Winter Brookies

troutbert wrote:
Tiogadog wrote:
Here in Virginia...When fishing for brook trout in the winter, I always go with a dry dropper. Typically, a Garcia's Mini Hot on top and some kind of beaded nymph on the dropper.

I never heard of that dry fly before but I Googled it, and from the photos it doesn't look like it would have enough flotation to stay on the surface with a beadhead nymph dragging on it.

If you put enough dry fly powder on it ...
Both, dry dropper. I dont know if i've ever fished for brookies without throwing a dry dropper! Put the dropper on a tag or tie the bottom fly off the eye. Dont drop the bottom fly off the bend, those little brookie mouths have trouble getting a good purchase on the fly if you got tippet in the way YMMV
Tiogadog wrote:
troutbert wrote:
Tiogadog wrote:
Here in Virginia...When fishing for brook trout in the winter, I always go with a dry dropper. Typically, a Garcia's Mini Hot on top and some kind of beaded nymph on the dropper.

I never heard of that dry fly before but I Googled it, and from the photos it doesn't look like it would have enough flotation to stay on the surface with a beadhead nymph dragging on it.

If you put enough dry fly powder on it ...

You dont need the dry fly to hold up a dropper for 50 feet and competing with lively currents typically when fishing a brookie stream! Enough floatation to hold up for a few seconds through a drift is good enough, no need to overthunk it!