Wild Tiger Trout



Jun 4, 2014
I had the pleasure of meeting this little dude this afternoon -


My first wild tiger trout (or tiger trout in general).

Ive been researching streams in the Laurel Highlands that hold wild browns and finally got a chance to get out to one of them today. Ended up hooking into a few dozen gemmies (native brookies) , 3 wild browns, and said tiger trout. I was 100% shocked when I saw the tiger trout. Quite the successful afternoon as I've crossed off 2 of my 2016 fishing goals (tiger trout and local wild brown) this afternoon.

Congrats. That's a pretty one.
Great fish, I've never seen a naturally spawned Tiger. You caught a couple dozen fish, today! Geez, I had to work for one Brookie yesterday haha, it was a nice one, though.
Congratulations! That's a pretty fish.
Congrats. Looks like it has some blue gill genes in it :)
Congrats. That is a beautiful fish. It sure didn't take you very long to accomplish your goal. I'm hoping to get a chance to see one of them one of these years.
Beautiful tiger.
That's an awesome fish, I love the colors! I have fished the gunpowder in md for 20 years without catching a brook trout. Then this summer I got a tiger.....still no bookies from the system though, go figure.
...still no bookies from the system though, go figure.

Actually, there are. I catch one every year or so; back in the 90's I used to catch them every trip. They're in most of the tribs.

Steveo -
Congrats. In over 50 years, I've caught exactly one wild tiger.
Very cool Steve.
Great fish!
Nice fish, congrats! The colors on that fish are like, whoa.
That's awesome, Congratulations. I have never caught a tiger trout and that is also one of my goals this year.
Yes congrats. It really is a beautiful fish.

Spectacular! Cherish the memory!
Congrats, welcome to a still small (but growing) club.

I consider my one wild tiger, pictured below, to be my "trophy of a lifetime" thus far. From a central PA freestoner.

Beautiful! Waterproof Camera or phone? I don't regularly carry the first and always afraid of dropping the second.
Nice wild tiger!!! They are amazing looking trout and a rare find. Great job doing your homework and putting yourself in position to hook that gem!!!
3wt7X wrote:
Nice wild tiger!!! They are amazing looking trout and a rare find. Great job doing your homework and putting yourself in position to hook that gem!!!

Technically, and genetically it's only 50% gem. :p
All wild tigers are cool but that one is a REALLY nice one. I've caught 9 wild tigers in my life thus far and maybe only one was that pretty. I like the ones with the long worm markings like that.