WII Fly Fishing GaME

Yo Dave, Wii players gotta have rythm and coordination, only the Polish gals from Ohio have that.. hehe
I just had "Flysim" sent to me the other day. Installed it but haven't really had a chance to check it out yet. There are those times when you just can't get out to fish and computer/gaming simulations certainly help to fill the void...
yea you could start on bluegills in a farm pond and work your way up to big Atlantic salmon

haha its a great idea. They could have this game displayed in all of the sportsman shows.
LJ, if and when I get to be your age, maybe I will be interested in a FF video game. Then again, probably not.

Nothing against video games, just ff video games. It just doesn't sound very appealing to me.
They could if the interest was there, replicate some of the masters at building bamboo fly rods, Garrison, Payne, Dickerson, have a pro caster do the actual casting with each rod with side views of the loop and line speed shown, then try to replicate that with that rod and your casting stroke.

Or do the same with any and all of the new plastic rods

Then wth the programming developed with this game they could easily do a golf game with the same techniques and tactics. to show the results good or bad, of the players golf stroke

Or if thats the way ther new golf game is structered, just use those techniques for the FF game, the replication of wrist/arm movement should be the key along with the actions of the flyrod/golf club and the many physical differences of each
They could even add a portion of the game where a bait fisherman shows up with a coffee can of worms and tries to cut in on your hole, "Catch the Poacher" mini-games, the possibilities are endless!
HBGMarine wrote:
They could even add a portion of the game where a bait fisherman shows up with a coffee can of worms and tries to cut in on your hole, "Catch the Poacher" mini-games, the possibilities are endless!

Yea, now you are getting somewhere.

How about adding a moron with a couple dogs splashing through your spot...

Could also have wardens with guns trying to write you up for any false move.

Add in snakes, bears, mountain lions, sasquatch...

The occasional hornet's nest...

Add some blood, guts, guns, and the occasional explosion???

you might have something.

pessimisim,the great destroyer

creativity enables great things

Ask the Apple guys then check the sales of their stuff

which is more similiar


littlejuniata wrote:
pessimisim,the great destroyer

creativity enables great things

Ask the Apple guys then check the sales of their stuff

which is more similiar



Pessimist: an Optimist with experience.

Get real. Why is your’s creative and mine isn’t?

The sad thing is that what I just suggested would probably sell better.

Call it Combat Fishing! You might be surprised.

There is a difference between a realist and a pessimist.

Besides, I’m just messing with you. I still wouldn’t buy it though. Combat fishing on the other hand might be a hoot in a video game. It is at least a heck of a lot more creative than trying to make it as stuffy as you can.
without creativity we would 'nt be here
If you only want to catch small fish because big ones bore you why don't you fish in a guppy bowl instead of playing kids games?
Great idea lets have a combat game with politicans as the target, complete with names and hooker mistresses

played on the www with daily results posted on all forms of media, maybe the pols would get the message

start with our pols in Pa

give all Pa state workers a free game

even have a debate session with the numwit pols

find out how the fare in a real debate

if their responce takes more than one second they are cheating
yo pete same reasn I have a small 105 ib wife more action
yo dave yours is just a pessimists spinnoff of my game

How do you figure?

I didn't say your "idea" was a bad one or that it wouldn't sell. i just said i wouldn't buy it. Many more said they would. Do you want me to be honest, or blow smoke up your real seat?

But I think combat fishing would sell better.

You got thebait guys against the liners and the snaggers, then you have the eastern european poachers... Locals versus the mupears. that would be entertaining.

But you are suggesting trying to simulating the casting stroke of a master rod builder while using a hunk of plastic? Oh yea, that sounds realistic. (NOT). Like I said, I'm a realist.

Who is more of a realist. someone who actually fishes and works for a living, or a politician?

Now think abou this. You seem to want to make it as complicated as you can and spend money like it isn't yours. Hmmmm Sound familiar?

I was mostly just joking around, but if you want to actually sell something like this, make it enjoyable to the non fly anglers (IMHO). I'm not at all interested in fly fishing in front of TV screen while holding a hunk of plastic. That isn't pessimism. To me, there is more to fly fishing than just a hand motion. Besides, that can make you go blind.;-)

in other words, I still wouldn't buy it. :lol:

If it was yours, or any other friend's idea, I most certainly would buy it. But I'm not promising I would actually play it... :-D

P.S. I've bought a couple books from author friends, and haven't read them. Shame on me.
I would love to fish against Sarah Palin, sort of a strip poker scenario
Against her? How about right up against her.

Now you'r talkin! Creative, too. ;-)
Wii Fit uses the balance board, that too would figure into the cast, with proper foot location and thrust. I would think it would be an easy switch to take the already developed golfing program and adapt those feaures to fly fishing, it would depend of how much detail there is in the club selction (physicall attributes of the club) and golf stroke in the golf game
littlejuniata wrote:
Wii Fit uses the balance board, that too would figure into the cast, with proper foot location and thrust. I would think it would be an easy switch to take the already developed golfing program and adapt those feaures to fly fishing, it would depend of how much detail there is in the club selction (physicall attributes of the club) and golf stroke in the golf game

I'm thinking that would be the case with simulating spin casting or bait casting, but fly fishing might be a little more difficult. Then again, that is only one person's opinion, and I didn't say a lot more difficult. Fly casting is also a two hand operation. It might not be all that bad to make it usable though. I'm just guessing. It wouldn't have to be exact to be enjoyable. Once you get the basic concept programmed in, parameters could be modified for different rod selections. In other words, one could chose from several rod weights and actions and the controller would respond accordingly.

Yea, I can be serious when i want to be. But I'm still not ready to buy it.:)

with a Wii, it would be casting based on timing, where I cast by feel, not so much timing. Except when I am forced to pick up the plastic rods. Then it is more timing and less feel.