WII Fly Fishing GaME



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
That would be fun because your casting would be for real, with the right graphics and scenes sounds like a winner ??
I'll take the real thing, thanks.
we don't play games here
no rah,rah give a cheer
just real men drinking beer
Well,actually I prefer merlot.
However a fume blanc'
goes better with fresh fish
unless you are having
hush puppies and corn fritters
then mango ice tea hits the spot.
WII can mimic or duplicate the stroke,lift and spin of a bowling ball the casting stroke should be easy
I agree. Not to mention the 'snap' at the stop of each end of the cast...
Would be fun add accuracy,distance the single and double haul???

Seems like fun and a challenge

Then go with web meets and competition

Could be great to get kids involved

They are gamers and competive

Would be better than sitting at the comp
Took me a little while to figure out what this was about. The game console is not all caps. Its Wii.

Anyway, yes, it could be used to make a nice flyfishing game. But I like the real thing better too.
I would probably buy it. I too have thought about this idea for awhile.
Atleast there would be no blow outs at the creeks. And when in real life the creeks are blown out what better way to pass the time.
I agree no clue.

Like today.

I am sitting at home.

Fishing in Butler is pointless today. Everything is washed out.

I could be catching virtual fish right now. lol.

It would be hard tying tippet to my leader on the Wii.
Also I might get ticked if I fish for 3 hours on my TV and get skunked.
There is that computer fly fishing game that got great reviews. I can't find the link now, but I'm sure google would find it.
Lets see hat the forum can come up with as to how to put this together,w along with ideas for the actual game, most Wii games have different levels, you need to conquer one level then step up, could get some tackle companys and TU involved, We can develop it here patent it, sell it to Wii and buy stream access. Well we can dream can't we

Which streams, actual video footage of!

Litttle Juniata

Penns Creek

Spring Creek





Since the Wii controller vibrates that could be the sign of a take with an underwater fly.

Set you own water levels, water temperature, time of year, weather conditions, expected hatches (points for knowledge)

tippet size leader length
MKern wrote:
There is that computer fly fishing game that got great reviews. I can't find the link now, but I'm sure google would find it.

Flysim. I've seen torrents, but never bothered to install it to see what its actually about.

I'd do a Wii fishing game, but I got burned early in the Wiisperience by Rapala Fishing.

I'm leery of any fishing game for the Wii, now, but Flick FIshing on the iPhone is a blast, and only 99c, too.
There are some nice games there good input

I would love to see the casting loop with a clear side view and see the effects of various casting strokes on the shape of the loop

Plus the effects of technique on line speed
Nice Idea but it would never work. The numbers are not there. There just are not enough people into flyfishing that would buy the game. Wii has very low development cost but you still would be looking at millions. The demographic leans towards BASSCAR.

I thought a guy with a 150 IQ would have known that

You might be surprised, actually. I could see someone doing this easily, but it wouldn't be what LJ invisions... A game like this, in order to appeal to the masses, wouldn't be a simulation nor would it be realistic.

The only chance in hell you have of a real simulation style is a release in junction with "The River Runs Through It ][: Electric Boogaloo."
Oh man. If they had sucha thing I might go out and buy a Wii.

I too think there would be a market for it and not just fly fishers.

One of the largest critizims is that there are too many crappy kiddy games for the Wii. If those games are making money, well...

With the new controller (the thing that comes with the new Tiger Woods game) the game would be ultra-responsive.