Wiggle Cast



Active member
May 17, 2009
Not sure why you would cast this way. Your thoughts are welcomed.


"This cast gives you slack line all the way down the line and is great for complex currents with lots of variations. It's also a good one for accurately presenting "fly first" directly down stream". From the description on the Youtube page...
pretty much like a slack line cast isn't it?
Whatever works to get the fly presented properly to the fish.
A slack line cast used to "buy time". I used this cast a lot in riffles when i have a riser in a pocket of slack/slow water. Fly lands first. So make your stop on your final forward cast and then wiggle the rod as the line begins to fall. This is a great example of why learning your stops is critical. Remember that once you stop on that forward cast the fly is headed to the target. You can do almost whatever you like to the line that fly is still headed where you directed it. You will find it helps to "slip" or "feed" line as you wiggle the rod to create slack. This cast works well up or downstream.
Forgot to mention the stop is a "high" stop. The rod tip should stop high and you wiggle the rod as you lower the rod after the stop. So in that aspect its more of a type of arial mend than a cast since the wiggling is done after the cast has been made. Once you stop the rod to form the loop on your final forward cast you have made your cast. Anything you do after that is a mend.

This is all semantics of course. The application of this "cast"/mend i very broad. It is a good cast to have in your repertoire.
I used the wiggle to get a better drift in currents that change rapidly between seems.