I respect your opinion but...

While I agree success in hunting is about killing; killing in hunting has nothing to do with the selective harvest analogy; it's about improving the survival rates for the other animals in regards to food supply, shelter, breeding etc. Better stock means better quality; bigger, stronger, etc. and that's everything in hunting. I don't hunt by the way so I only know what my hunting friends and Ted Nugent tell me. ;-)

While I'm no fisheries biologist; I find it impossible to believe that wild trout are the only species of fish that wouldn't see increased size, numbers and improvement in overall genetics if selective harvest is practiced. It works for WILD bass, WILD sunfish and just about every other of species of naturally reproducing gamefish.

On those brookie streams where there are 100 2" fish to every hole; is that the optimum fishing experience because many of us, including me don't mind catching a slew of 2" fish on occasion or is because with a decrease in natural predation and harvest there just ain't enough food, cover, spawning territory, etc available to enable some of those little guys to grow into the 10" monsters we all HOPE we may tie into.

I believe the latter and while I DON'T practice what I preach; I just happen to think the many of the fly fishing for trout community has a holier than thou attitude regarding C&R with opinions based more on romance than science.
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear flyman,

At the risk of getting too many conversations going at once, why shoot a wild turkey when better tasting ones are available 24/7/365 at your local mega-supermarket?

Likewise, why pick wild blueberries, or raspberries, or chestnuts when you can buy them? Aren't you depriving all the pretty birds and animals of an important food source?

I'm not singling you out, but I think there is a growing group of fisherman that need to be reminded that fishing, even catch and release fishing, is very much a blood sport and the very act of fishing is detrimental to the fish to one degree or another.

Tim Murphy :)

Touche Tim,
Point taken, as long as it is within the law, no harm done. I just like my wild trout swimming in ice water, not butter. :lol: