Why no Fishing Reports



Nov 29, 2017

I just wanted to ask why Im not see as many fishing reports as I think there should be. I am disabled but am trying to get out as often as my mind and body will allow.

Might just be the Poconos so I thought I would let all of you know that every stream I have been to in the past week or two is fishing great. That includes Mud Run, Hickory Run, Lizard Creek and Mauch Chunk Creek so get out there and get you some.

Tight Lines !!
I think a lot of folks simply aren't fishing due to high water levels.

It's also a time of year when many anglers start to think of football and hunting season.

I did get out for awhile today on a mountain trout stream. I think another reason you're not hearing about as many fishing reports is because, due to the unusually high water levels this year, many folks are focusing on small, freestone mountain streams and these streams are not places many of our regulars readers care to openly talk about. I know that many of our small stream regulars are experiencing some very good trout fishing.
I agree with Dave on all fronts. People are focused on other things and when they are fishing it’s a fragile place they don’t want to discuss. I think I posted 32 stream reports in my 45 days of fishing this year, but none since mid July. Ive only fished one weekend in the last 2 months.

With all of that said I also really enjoy reading fishing reports and I wish more people would share their experiences because it is very interesting.
Dave_W wrote:
I think a lot of folks simply aren't fishing due to high water levels.

It's also a time of year when many anglers start to think of football and hunting season.

I did get out for awhile today on a mountain trout stream. I think another reason you're not hearing about as many fishing reports is because, due to the unusually high water levels this year, many folks are focusing on small, freestone mountain streams and these streams are not places many of our regulars readers care to openly talk about. I know that many of our small stream regulars are experiencing some very good trout fishing.

^ no doubt true. I check in on quite a few fishing sites and the number of stream and river reports is way down compared to past years.

You have to remember that many WW anglers wade fish and boat in the big rivers, and fishing because of muddy and high water conditions has been a no-go for months. In addition, many of the bigger trout streams and rivers have been too high to fish for weeks on end.

There are many on here that will travel to areas that have spring creeks and wild trout streams in the mountains to fish, but the vast majority of anglers do not. And as Dave pointed out, many anglers will not post stream report about fishing a small mountain stream.

Hopefully the rivers will recede and give us a chance to fish before the really cold weather is upon us. One can only hope.
I've been so busy I haven't even really been fishing. The Juniata is still outrageous and favorite big local limestone influenced brown trout fisheries are down right dangerous to fish yet. I don't mind hitting certain brookie streams but I'd also much rather be on a bigger brown trout stream or chasing smallies right now. Plus as Dave pointed out dove season, goose, and soon duck will be in and I certainly enjoy shouldering a shotgun. I never did many stream reports anyways. In fact, I rarely share my fishing experiences here. I'll start doing more. Come November my life is going to slow down a lot, plus that is one of the best months of the year for fishing.
Agree with all the above posts. I have only gone up to my cabin on the WB once since I got back from Montana on July 08. The water, at times, has been so high and stained I wouldn't even take my drift boat out. I went up August 28 for a few days. A buddy and I floated Shehawken to Buck and there was so much water all my buddy had to do was steer the Hyde down river. He graciously offered to row as a b-day present. We only saw five fish rise during the entire float and every time we setup on them, even with a long anchor rope, they stopped rising.

The Susquehanna has also been higher than most years and just when it got down to about 27,000 cfs about two weeks ago and I was planning to put the bass boat in at Columbia torrential rains started and continued for over a week. Hopefully I will get a chance to fish somewhere this coming week.
Waters in Pa. Has been terrible since the beginning of the season....Went out to central Pa. for a five day trip and got to fish 3 hrs. on Spring .....Then it started to rain and blew out Penns, Little Fishing and Spring......
I too have had a difficult tmie this year on the East, West, and Main regarding putting fish down. I've tried to be as stealthy as possible...staying JUST on the fringe of casting range. Drifting dries down into my backing to stay far away...and without fail 90% of the time they shut right down.

Thought it was something I was doing wrong. I do believe that the vibration of the anchor rope in stronger currents is a possible cause. At times you can feel the vibration through the boat.

I think most “obsessed” fly fisherman try to stay off the beaten paths and don’t like to talk about their hotspots online. Sure the big names make it on here all the time but I for one don’t like to publicize where I fish and on PAFlyfish you have to put where the report is for on the fishing report forum. (I imagine you could post on the general forum if you chose to though.) A lot of us don’t shy away from yucky conditions, especially in the summer when that flow gets ramped up.
I might be spoiled cause quite a few of the steams I fish get a lot of pressure anyway and I often see others out there fishing. Still fish to be caught. Even when waters are a little high, nothing like throwing a streamer to wake em up.

I fish to fish and for therapy and catching is a bonus. I love the Poconos as there are quite a few options no matter what kind of fishing you prefer be it a small mountain stream for brookies or holdovers in the local creeks.

Coming from Colorado a year ago and catching trout in every mud puddle you come across has made me enjoy working for a few here and there and it seems like the reward be it one fish or many is greater when a bit challenged.

Tight Lines !!
2 nice ones from Saturday. First one is my first 20+ of the year, I've gotten at least one over 20 for the past 4 years now - all on the same small mountain freestone stream. The high water has made for fantastic trout fishing this summer on the small streams, much needed after two drought years in a row. I do sorely miss good smallmouth fishing though.


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Yesterday my son and I went to Maple Grove Raceway for the national NHRA event. We had a great time, but sitting in the hot sun (86 degrees) really beat us down. Spur of the moment, we decided to fish the Tully this morning. Didn't get there until 9:00 and we fished for 2 hours. The first 45 minutes didn't go well - Sean's leader broke way up, must had a cut in it or something. So I had to rebuild his leader. Then a big fish caught me off guard, and there went my tippet.

We ended up catching a few and missing a few. Sean caught browns between 12 and 14". I caught 2 bows. The first one was about 16-17". The second one was 23-24". It took off like a freight train. I had to high-tail it down the pool because I was almost down to the backing. We usually catch more fish there, but it was a good morning none the less.
There we go, looks like two reports in a row, now were talkin. Nice job outsider and great pix sarce. I just got my GoPro fired up again so will get some video next time out.

Thanks all and Tight Lines
Most of the rivers and streams here have been really high since, like, uh, June. I slacked on fishing this year but the water wasn't really that safe to be wading in alone anyway.
I fished a stream yesterday. One spot used to have 2 very large boulders. They are gone. Slightly upstream from there, there are 3 larger rocks that didn't used to be there. When the water is pushing 3,000+ lb rocks around, it's time to put the rod down and grab the paddle.
Will add that we both fished classic Fenwicks today. This was the first time my son fished a glass rod, and he loved it. He fished a model FF805 8' five weight and I fished a model FF755 7 1/2' five weight.
cms829 wrote;

I too have had a difficult time this year on the East, West, and Main regarding putting fish down.

Every year there are more and more guides, as well as regular guys, who are floating the system in drift boats and other craft large enough to fish out of. The guides start floating pretty much as soon as the ice is gone.

The fish are heavily pressured and with the advent of so many boats there is really very little refuge for the trout to get away from constantly being cast over.

One thing I am 100% convinced of is dropping the anchor. You don't want to just step on the pedal and let it plunge down into the river. Unless there is a phenomenal hatch of some bug those trout will spook and may never rise again. Secondly you should be using an anchor heavy enough so that when you gently get it down to the bottom it hooks up immediately and not bang along on the bottom. Those trout know that the anchor noise is an indicator that something is not normal in their world.

A couple of years ago I bought a really long anchor rope, about 75', so I can setup far enough away from risers so as not to spook them. Obviously though I haven't been dropping far enough away.

These are opinions I have formed from floating the WB and main for 19 years. I can remember when I first bought the Hyde back in 1999 I wasn't even retired yet and could only fish on weekends and still the trout were not so easily spooked.
Back on subject, here is a brown from Saturday.

I think most “obsessed” fly fisherman try to stay off the beaten paths and don’t like to talk about their hotspots online. Sure the big names make it on here all the time but I for one don’t like to publicize where I fish
Yep. I usually share info with people I meet while fishing but .... that’s it.
Hella fish Sarce!