Who's going out tomorrow?

Might work on my place for a few hours in the am and check out the West Brandywine after noon. It's less than ten min. from my new (old) house and I've noticed some tasty pocket water. If it's too crowded I'll just go back and clean and paint some more.
Hoping to head out for the opener. I fished, as a youth, in the mentored trout day and I couldn't get enough of it. I just love sticking stockies on a fly rod! Hopefully a good hole will be open on Hay...
Hey wildbrowntrout what township are you from?
Heck Yeah. Wouldn't miss it. All for the kids. Some of the best memories ever. Wouldn't want to rob them of that.
I may head out to the Breeches around 6am and fish the C&R area. Normally its vacant water on the opener.
The only thing to out for on the opener is eats n beers. Let the two week wonders have their way with the cricks. On the third weekend of the season go pick up all the crap the two week wonders leave behind and then go fishing. It is fun for the kiddies though I suppose. Hopefully they get taught what real trout fishing is down the line.
PocketWater wrote:
Why is it that the SE opens up 2 weeks ahead of the rest of the state?

Bout a two or three week difference in the warmup/green up between the SEPA section and the rest of the state. When we head up to camp in Huntingdon this time of year it's kinda like stepping back almost a month in time from Lancaster county to Huntingdon county.
Hit Hay this afternoon. Still plenty of people there, and lots of fish on stringers. I caught one brownie on a green weenie, after 3 other fly fisherman hit the same pool. Pretty slow day...
picked up 4! 3 bows and a nice brown.
TodayI fished the West Brandywine for the first time. Figured since it is going to be my home stream I might as well check it out. Fairly crowded but for the most part people weren't as obnoxious as I'd expect. Did some honey do work and fished about 1-5pm. Settled for seven and considering everywhere had been pounded pretty well before hand I was OK with that. Also my first time with the fly rod this year so nice to shake off the rust.
Had a nice afternoon on Martin's Creek in Northampton CTY. By the time I got there, most everyone had left except a couple of fellow fly fishermen. Caught a nice brownie on a BH Pheasant Tail!