Who else was out with the fly rod on Opening Day?



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
I cringe when I am fishing and see someone else (blue liner here). But I do enjoy the spectacle of opening day, since i have been doing that for about 50 years and it brings back memories.

Landed about a dozen on a Golden Retreiver, green squirmy or Egg pattern. Usually I am the only one I see with a fly rod, but the next angler down stream had a fly rod and he had a good day also. When I headed out, saw two 3 more fly rods, so maybe it is picking up.

Saw some March Browns, BWO, caddis & and *I think* PMD’s, though it seems early for them? Whatever it was, there was one trout busily slurping them up. Threw a bunch of stuff at him, but couldn’t get him interested.

What did you see in your area?

Edit: Upon further review, not PMD’s, but probably grannoms
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I went out with a fly rod and saw one other fly fisherman as well. Unfortunately, all the "hot spots" looked like a grocery store checkout line of spin rods. I don't mind though, I'd rather catch less and have more enjoyment in the art of fly fishing. Still fun to get out on opening day as always.
I got a buddy that is fishing up around young woman's. He sent pics of Hendrickson spinners! That seems REALLY early. Guess you had to fish first week of January to catch the grannom 🤣
I went to Middle Creek. I caught 3 on buggers. People scattered when the rain hit. I saw 1 other guy with a fly rod. There were lots of midges and the occasional explosive rise. Saw a couple bugs but I didn't get a good look at them.
Hit Ridley Creek from 4 to 6 PM. Stood just upstream from about 15 guys and fished where the riffles entered the deeper pool. Caught 30-35 on nymphs, and let a 12 year old fish my rod / reel in a few. Those poor bait tossers were perplexed that “the guy with the fly rod is catching one every cast!” I really hate the opening day crowds in SE PA, but it WAS fun catching one nearly every cast!
Our yearly opening day crew of 8-10 anglers were all using flyrods as usual. Everybody caught and we outfished the spin crowd using nymphs. After lunch I got about a dozen on a 14 Adams and a smaller gray emerger when they started rising. So a pretty good opening day. Fished the Brodhead so plenty of room to fish, though the water was the lowest I've seen on opening day .
I didn't get out yesterday.
Got a report from a friend who fished a central PA stream. Said he got blown off the water mid afternoon.

I like the new opening day regs, which is two weeks earlier for most of the state.
Got a favorite spots that are, unfortunately, stocked. And I can get on them now
Instead of having to wait until the middle of the month
I didn't get out yesterday.
Got a report from a friend who fished a central PA stream. Said he got blown off the water mid afternoon.

I like the new opening day regs, which is two weeks earlier for most of the state.
Got a favorite spots that are, unfortunately, stocked. And I can get on them now
Instead of having to wait until the middle of the month
You have the concept of the regional opening day to thank for that. As in this case, you’ll find that regs in Pa are often an evolutionary process. Getting the initial reg in place that starts the process is the tough part.
There were lots of midges and the occasional explosive rise. Saw a couple bugs but I didn't get a good look at them.
I saw this as well, there was very little happening in the surface but every once in a while they would hit something on the surface really aggressively. I couldn’t get them interested in anything. It almost scared me the one time because of how loud it was! Is that just a new stocker not knowing how to be stealthy?
I saw this as well, there was very little happening in the surface but every once in a while they would hit something on the surface really aggressively. I couldn’t get them interested in anything. It almost scared me the one time because of how loud it was! Is that just a new stocker not knowing how to be stealthy?
More likely taking stoneflies.
I was on a stream that had them hatching last wee
The way they flutter and skate along the surface, really induces violent strikes
Floated the Lehigh below Lehighton. Saw one wading fisherman and no other boats. Many grannoms, a few BWOs and in the afternoon the Quill Gordons started, which got some fish to the surface. The wind was much less of a problem than the forecast indicated it would be. It did gust occasionally, but there were enough quiet periods to have good results. The river rarely gives up large numbers, but the ones we got were quality fish - no obvious/recent stockers. Even though the river seems to be stocked pretty heavily. I got a couple when we stopped to nymph a riffle, but mostly rowed for the afternoon when the risers were on. My two buddies caught a few each.