White Fly Watch



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
I hit Slippery Rock Creek tonight on the DHALO section. The White Flies started comming off about 8:30PM, but the smallies are not taking them yet. I would think the bite will be on some time this comming week.

I did manage a large sucker earlier in the evening on a san juan worm. I briefly hooked one smallie on a black leach, but lost him. I saw no other anglers tonight from 6:30 to 9:30 PM.

The creek lived up to its name. I slid across a large rock and tumbled into the creek.

I fished Slippery Rock last night. Like you said albatross, the bugs started at 8:30. From then until pitch dark, the action was awesome. I caught about a dozen fish and missed many more, especially when it got too dark. Nothing of any real size this trip, all were from 8 to 13 inches, but man were they fun! Caught them all on top using a small white popper fished quartering downstream and skated across the surface. They would simply smash it. Had to replace a cork popper which are usually pretty durable. I fished upstream of 422, above Rose Point. The bugs were coming off pretty thick, not a blizzard, more like a snow shower. ;^)

Have fun out there.


Bruno was fishing near you last night and had a good time as well (link to Bruno's Stream Report). You didn't run into him did you?

I'm really bumming that I missed this by a single day! We'll see if I can trek out there again this week.
I saw no other fisherman last night. I was fairly far upstream of 422 though. Just a note for you alba, IMO the delayed harvest area is not the best place to go for bass. I fished the white fly hatch one night last year in the area and got skunked! But when I moved immediately upstream or down I got into fish. Go figure. I also think between the Harris and Eckert bridges can be very good. Again, that's my opinion. Good luck.
Thanks Green Ghost. It sure looks like smallie water. Live and learn.