White Fly Hatch Updates?

Fished a stream in Ohio today(a major trib of it is in PA) and I saw TONS of white flies!!!! But they were all dead, well most of them. Tons in the spider webs, some just laying on the ground, and tons clumped up along the shoreline in the slower areas. Picked up a few little smallmouths on streamers, a little drum, a white bass, and lost a sauger or walleye. And got a bonus rainbow(thanks PFBC!) Fishing was very slow though, had to work for every fish. Maybe they're all full from last night?!??

Man I wish I didn't have stuff going on this evening....
I caught the hatch last week on SRC, but didn't really fish it. The fishing was so good the last couple hours of the evening I just sat down with my dog and watched the bugs fill the air as the sun slipped away. It was quite a sight!
Oil creek had a great white fly hatch coming off last night around rouseville. But saw nothing rising to them - at least at the few spots I checked at dusk