Whip finish by hand... Help me out please!

Fat fingers and rough skin is not good for hand whip finishing, so i rarely do it and see no use for it if you have a tool handy EXCEPT for a few instances where the tool doesn't work so well. Depending on the size/shape of your whip finish tool, sometimes its easier to do it by hand if whip finishing elsewhere on the hook other than near the eye, or with certain patterns where your tool makes it hard to clear the thread from getting materials caught in the knot.
StaggerLee wrote:
If you just keep scissors with a bodkin in your hand at all times. No need to worry about that extra time picking up a tool.

Likewise you could keep a whip finish in your hands at all times.
Who ties with a whip tool in there hand???? any videos of this?

Also I dont care if people use the tool to do it. Its all a matter of preference.

I think though that if one take time to master the hand whip, ie able to do it without thinking, fast and accurately. It doesnt take much time to do this, just hide your tool...... I know, I know.......

Jdaddy- That wasnt direct to you in that way. Sorry for you misunderstanding. I was asking if anyone does this and if there is video of it.
JackM wrote:
I whip with a tool. Could never understand the supposed gain in speed in using my big bulky fingers to do what a thin metal tool can accomplish. All I have to do is pick it up. It sits right off my right hand on the tying desk. Nevertheless, good video Johnny. I like the mantra offered as well.

So is it bunny ears or peace.....bunny ears or peace? I am confused.

No seriously, Its a good skill to have not to be discounted. On the other hand not always the most efficient but comes in handy when the whip tool is down under a neck and a pack of dubbing in the pile on the tying desk.

I am forever looking for my tools t the tying desk...tie a fly, start another, where the dubbing then the hackle pliers, and the half hitch tool. I try to be organized....really but its all so complicated.
I'm not sure there needs to be a religious debate on the issue, but I always found doing whip finishes by hand easy and convienient.

The one thing I will add to the furball. Don't be stingy with whip finishes. Put a whip finish in to finish each step of your tye. Your fly will stay tight, and that means the fly will be durable and smooth (if that's what you want).
Thank you for your comments on the video.

If your fingers are "fat" you can Just make a larger loop to whip with. It doesnt matter the size of loop used. Like wise you can have a tiny loop and whip with only one finger.

Rough fingers is nightmare to whip though.
gfen wrote
only place a hand outweighs the tool is loops on fly line. for all other purposes, its convienent but entirely unneccessary.

Dont you think your statement is backwards. The tool is what is convenient and unnecessary.
I agree, the fingers are definitely necessary, just not for whip finishing.
JackM wrote:
I agree, the fingers are definitely necessary, just not for whip finishing.

You should see what I do with my hands.
Just wanted to get this thread back on topic. Great video Mr. Utah..
Please keep at making these types of videos!!!
Agreed! Stagger you seem to know quality when you see it.
TacoRuxin wrote:
Agreed! Stagger you seem to know quality when you see it.

Oh man he's resorted to complimenting himself. This is just sad.
Thank you stagger and taco.