Where Would You Spend the Spring / Summer Trout Fishing in PA?

The original poster mentions places to spend time that have native class A streams and brook trout come up…..shocker
We can take any topic fish density, stream health ect and talk about till cows come home but the second brook trout come up in a thread with brook trout in the original post the hand wringing starts
I’ll just take a page out of Krayfishes book whenever someone mentions brown trout

I’ll be up on the West Branch and Main stem of the Delaware…

Let me know if you are there too.
I will admit the west branch is fun, especially sulfur and slate drake time. I just gotta figure out a way to nymph there to ditch the salad. Maybe drop shot
You just need to dry fly and not let the fly swing to avoid the salad.
Yea thats why i liked the sulfur and slate drakes up there. Guy had a cabin right up on the water i rented with the wife during sulfur hatch in the summer. It was fun dry fly fishing.
Yea thats why i liked the sulfur and slate drakes up there. Guy had a cabin right up on the water i rented with the wife during sulfur hatch in the summer. It was fun dry fly fishing.
I fished the sulphurs as they got smaller and smaller and it was great. My patterns worked well and I really loved the challenge of fishing to those pressured fish. It’s nice when the crowds get scared to come up there because the fish are so picky.
The original poster mentions places to spend time that have native class A streams and brook trout come up…..shocker
The point is I hope this thread doesn't turn into many lengthy posts reiterating the same points and topics that have overtaken and been "beaten to death" on many other threads on this forum. I don't disagree with many of your viewpoints and I cherish the brook trout, but I tire of the majority of the threads turning into a conversation about how everything the PFBC does is lousy and every state around us does it better. Point taken. I got ya.
I fished the sulphurs as they got smaller and smaller and it was great. My patterns worked well and I really loved the challenge of fishing to those pressured fish. It’s nice when the crowds get scared to come up there because the fish are so picky.
Yea i thought there would be more people fishing there.
Blair County would be a good choice too.
Some quality limestone's and forested freestone streams. Close to many other counties with quality streams too.

I like the vote for Schuylkill County too. A very underrated county.

We can complain about stocking, brown trout, the state of natives etc.... But the reality is we have a lot of good and interesting trout water.
The Poconos have some very good wild trout streams, you just need to know where to look.
Agree and I rarely leave monroe/carbon counties. The traffic is what I'm ready to get away from. Being a year round tourist area, traffic seems to get worse. From a fishing stand point, it's quite easy to get away from people and have a stream to yourself and if there is a car here, drive couple miles to the next stream. I drive past 5 wild trout streams on my way home from work every day with my one-way 20 mile commute.

The Poconos have done an amazing job purchasing open space over the past couple decades. Tax money, TU, BWA, and PHLT all are major contributors. The most current open space they're looking to acquire is boy scout land where middle creek originates. I fish downstream (private) and it's an amazing creek albeit with small trout. They continue to purchase properties like this and they typically have streams on them that contain trout.
Good question! Yes what are the successful nuts and bolts of “managing for brook trout”. When I just say manage for brook trout it seems kind of abstract on its face doesn’t it?

I am glad you asked. Without writing a book on here and angering any of the “survivors of native brook trout” on Pa fly fish I will share some resources I have attempted to create in the past to answer just that question for the general public and those invested in conservation.

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Page 16 in below link

Here is the pod cast that goes with the article

If you subscribe to fly fishermen magazine there will be an article march 7th at your door or in the supermarket that I wrote about this topic as well where I point out PA fish and boats massive failures and compare them to more competent states succeeding as resource managers in these special management areas like WV,MD,VA ect. Read Ross Purnell’s separate article/editorial on the matter talking about how pa can do better as well.
I'll check it out. Thanks.
I'll check it out. Thanks.
Of course after I write the article and its probably already printed, the best/most intuitive video explaining how brook populations work as a whole I’ve ever seen gets dropped by one of worlds leading brook Trout scientists. See in other thread.
Of course after I write the article and its probably already printed, the best/most intuitive video explaining how brook populations work as a whole I’ve ever seen gets dropped by one of worlds leading brook Trout scientists. See in other thread.
Where is this video?
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