Good question! Yes what are the successful nuts and bolts of “managing for brook trout”. When I just say manage for brook trout it seems kind of abstract on its face doesn’t it?
I am glad you asked. Without writing a book on here and angering any of the “survivors of native brook trout” on Pa fly fish I will share some resources I have attempted to create in the past to answer just that question for the general public and those invested in conservation.
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Page 16 in below link
Here is the pod cast that goes with the article
Pennsylvania NFC board member Dr. James Suleski talks brook trout with Rob Snowhite on Fly Fishing Consultant podcast.…
If you subscribe to fly fishermen magazine there will be an article march 7th at your door or in the supermarket that I wrote about this topic as well where I point out PA fish and boats massive failures and compare them to more competent states succeeding as resource managers in these special management areas like WV,MD,VA ect. Read Ross Purnell’s separate article/editorial on the matter talking about how pa can do better as well.