Where were the Browns?

FarmerDave wrote:
Where are the browns? They moved to Baltimore awhile back.

Win! :lol: :lol: :hammer: :lol:
only the browns can lose twice on any given sunday
Thanks for the detailed explanation pcray, despite all of the other rather hilarious comments about your posts, it is exactly the kind and amount of information I was hoping for when I posed the question.

Grizzly, er I mean PatrickC lol I added you on Facebook, we will definitely have to make a couple trips out brother!

FarmerDave, I prefer to make myself fair game from square one, it's more fun for everyone that way. Damn Browns... Btw I still don't see that quote button, heres a screenshot:

Regarding quoting.

Hit the "reply" button at the lower right corner under the post you want to quote. You will be directed to the response page. On said page, under the text box, you will see a "quote" button. Hit that button and the quote will appear in the text box.
What BrookieChaser said. Don't feel bad Trey, it took me a long time to figure out the quote feature haha. Easier than the way you're doing it now.

(btw, I sent you a PM)
And with that I just learned how to use the quote function. Never had any idea either.
BrookieChaser wrote:
Regarding quoting.

Hit the "reply" button at the lower right corner under the post you want to quote. You will be directed to the response page. On said page, under the text box, you will see a "quote" button. Hit that button and the quote will appear in the text box.

Right. Series of 4 buttons a couple inches below the text box. If you are not seeing it, scroll down a little bit.

Trey, I sensed you were not thin skinned and could take a joke. Glad I was right.
Or, do what I do. Copy the portion of text you want to quote. Paste it in your post.

Before it, type (without the spaces)

[ q u o t e ]

And after:

[ / q u o t e ]

And, once you post it, it looks like this.
You can quote within a quote too.
As many times as you'd like.

The good thing is that you can then use the quick reply box. You can also change what the other guy said, lol.

The negative is that it doesn't list who said it above the quote...
pcray1231 wrote:
Or, do what I do. Copy the portion of text you want to quote. Paste it in your post.

Before it, type (without the spaces)

[ q u o t e ]

And after:

[ / q u o t e ]

And, once you post it, it looks like this.
You can quote within a quote too.
As many times as you'd like.

The good thing is that you can then use the quick reply box. You can also change what the other guy said, lol.

The negative is that it doesn't list who said it above the quote... [color=0033FF]unless you type in the name yourself.[/color]

There, fixed it for you. LOL!

I find that quick reply box isn't any quicker since you have to scroll down to it. And most definitely slower if you want to quote an entire pcray passage.
streamerguy wrote:
What BrookieChaser said. Don't feel bad Trey, it took me a long time to figure out the quote feature haha. Easier than the way you're doing it now.

(btw, I sent you a PM)

Thanks for the PM.
I tried to send one back, rewrote it three times actually. Not sure if any of them sent, they don't show in the outbox. I feel computer illiterate lately...

Farmer Dave- I am definitely what you would call thick skinned. Unfortunately it has worked against me in the past!
The Class A list says it's for rainbows, so the brown population can be very few fish. Brown behavior is specific to them, they like the water warmer then brookies and bows, also they tend to occupy the best habitat in the stream, so that makes it tougher for anglers to catch them. I'd be cool to get a triple play, the best I can say is keep trying.