Where to start for bigger wild Browns/Brooks?

Since we are asking questions. I’m curious if B.S. brookies are’t a different strain than most of our small freestone brookies? Is it possible these are descendants of stocked brookie strain fish? They are reproducing now and considered wild fish. But not true Native brookies? Would that explain why they look stocked?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, Wildtrout2 and you got me thinking. I don’t know much about big spring.
I think that's a legit question. I don't know much about BS either, that's why I asked if brookies were originally the only trout in the stream?
Well yes, if you go back far enough, brook trout were the only trout in BS.

I highly doubt there are any browns left, 10 years ago or so, there were some (a few, not many), very large browns in the fly area left over from the hatchery days. Those fish were nearing the end of their life cycle then. All this above Newville of course.

I doubt the brook trout in BS are heritage strain. I'm sure hatchery genes got in the mix.
However they are unique and easily picked out of a line up.