When Politics Do Not & Should Not Matter and Keep Politics Out of the Discussion...



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2006
Berks County, PA
(If the moderators feel this post is inappropriate or belongs elsewhere, feel free to move or delete)

Around 1984 after a particularly good day of fishing on the Little Lehigh, I was inclined to write a letter about my exploits to a well-known Southern angler who often fly-fished in Pennsylvania.

Even though I did not know this fellow, among other things we shared a love for Leonard bamboo rods. When he retired and relocated, he had the misfortune of having a treasured Leonard rod stolen from him during the move. In my letter, I mentioned this and how despicable I considered the situation.

Possibly, it was the mention of the rod, recounting my fishing experiences or maybe it was just because we both loved fly-fishing in Pennsylvania but a few weeks later, I received a nice reply from him complimenting my skill that I framed for posterity.

Fast forward to a handful of years later and Home Depot was planning to open a store not far from the banks of Letort Spring Run. More than a few folks were concerned about storm water run-off including Cumberland Valley TU, what was left of the Letort Regulars and myself.

I was involved in the fight and volunteered to contact the “famous angler” and ask for any assistance or influence he could exert as he lived in Home Depot’s home state. Once again, he promptly replied several times to my initial letter and offered to contact the CEO of Home Depot to express his and our concerns.

The ultimate outcome was as good as we could have hoped for, short of the store never opening. I am not discounting the hard work done by the many good people involved in the Home Depot battle however I have to believe the famous angler interceding on our behalf surely did not hurt.

Right now, that “famous angler” is 98 years old and in hospice care in his home in Plains, Georgia. If you didn't figure it out earlier, the famous angler is James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States.

I never met the man and I never voted for the man, but this man took time out of his busy schedule to write to some stranger to talk PA fly-fishing and to help us out with the Letort situation.

For that and his overall decency, I will always be thankful and respect him as a man and a fellow Pennsylvania angler.

Godspeed Mr. President...
He is a true gem. I have read a lot of books by him and about him. His life is devoted to simple things and caring for others. His story is also one that epitomizes why education and life's experiences are so important. The world needs more Jimmy Carter's. Your post is not political and neither was Jimmy. I would highly recommend his Hour Before Daylight. I listened to it on books on tape on a one-day trip to Penns on a Columbus Day maybe 25 years ago.
98 years is a great life. Does anyone know if he's the last president to fish any of the SE or Central PA streams? I don't think I've seen anyone after him take a fondness to fly fishing, but then again I don't really search it out and see what President's hobbies are....
FarmerDave is right..... Great post!!!
Timely great post!
He has written many articles in Fly Fisherman mag on the fishing and the culture of the area over the past 30 some years.
I do remember fondly being cold in grade school( 65* with the single pane windows frosted up during the coldest winter I lived through 77-78) and traveling 55mph on long trips feeling like we are going so slow.
Well done Bamboozle!! Curious, about that stolen rod. Wouldn’t you love to know it’s fate?
Well done Bamboozle!! Curious, about that stolen rod. Wouldn’t you love to know it’s fate?

Yea really and I'd like to choke the person who would be low enough to steal a fishing rod from a former President of the United States when he was moving out of the White House...

...that's pretty low... (n)
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Bam - Yours was/is a great post about a very praise-worthy individual. Thank You for sharing.

Whether or not you liked him as governor or president, Carter has had some pretty good later acts.
the only thing he wasn’t good at was being president. Fortunetly for him, 4 years of his life didn’t diminish what he did after.

I often feel Carter gets treated very poorly. I was born in 1975 so I don't recall any of his term first hand. I didn't develop a political awareness until sometime during Reagan's first term when I was between 6 and 10 years old. I have always had respect for Carter personally. My father's doctor just recommended he go to hospice yesterday so this hits close to home right now.
Godspeed Jimmy
Did he fish anywhere in PA besides Wayne Harpster’s private stretch on Spruce Creek?
Well said Bamboozle - a beautifully written and timely tribute.

I remember the Home Depot issue well and was among those who wrote against it. To Home Depot's credit, I received a polite and respectful response. I would assume they accorded a former president the same courtesy.

While we all may not agree on political issues. . . it's worth remembering that there are decent presidents and decent politicians. And some decent corporations too.
Did he fish anywhere in PA besides Wayne Harpster’s private stretch on Spruce Creek?
Can’t say for sure, but I think he lived in Loch Haven for a very short period in the late ‘60’s. Being the avid sportsman, I would imagine he wet his line a time or two.
Wonderful story/tribute! I have fond memories of Fly fishing Big Hunting Creek in Thurmont, Md. during the Carter years. Whenever he visited nearby Camp David, literal truckloads of trout appeared in the stream! Though I was just learning the intricacies of the sport, I always got a boost of confidence, catching dozens of those fresh, gullible trout which were clearly meant to give the “Prez” a guaranteed good time!
Did he fish anywhere in PA besides Wayne Harpster’s private stretch on Spruce Creek?
I heard that he fished the Little Juniata River.
Such a fitting post Bam. Thank you for that. I knew nothing of the Home Depot story prior to this.