What would you do

Slog down a snow covered bank and wade 40 yards to net a fish? Who do I look like? Mother Theresa?
McSneek wrote:
ryansheehan wrote:
(not that's there anything wrong with dunking wax worms)

There are so many things wrong with dunking wax worms....

Not from a bee keepers perspective.
gfoledc wrote:
I would have tried to help the guy land his fish if successful said "nice fish" and go home

Yea, me too and with no second thoughts.

I get enjoyment seeing others do well when fishing. Next best thing to seeing no one at all while I am fishing but now I sound like RRT. ;-)

On the other hand, the last time I tried to net a trout for a total stranger, it was a nice steelhead and it got away. I swear it was unintentional, but it kind of ticked the guy off. He didn't say anything, but I apologized and gave him back his net and moved on. Freakin short handled nets.

Last time I tried to net one for someone I knew, it was a steelhead that Pro4mance had hooked in the butt which we successfully landed. LOL!
JackM wrote:
Fishing Erie for steelhead once, I had a guy across the creek call out to me as I was tangling with a decent fish to tell me he was hoping to take a few home for the pan and asked if I was planning to keep or release. I said I release them and he asked if I would let him have my catch. I saw he had a net, and told him if he wanted to come net it for me, I would let him have it. He did and I did. Never have been asked to help net a stranger's fish, but I don't carry a net, so there is that.

Once while landing a nice steelhead, a guy came running towards me while carrying a small bucket.

He asked in a strong Russian accent: "Is female?"

I looked him strait in the eyes and sad, yes it is, as I let it go. He walked away with his head down and just stared from a distance when I landed the next one.

If he just wanted to take it home for a meal, I'd have offered it to him, but he obviously just wanted to gut it for the eggs.
I'd like to think I would have helped out. I mean give people the benefit of the doubt man. Guy could have been a Vet and hiding a prosthetic leg under his levis or something, ya never know. Generally though when I see someone in need of a hand, especially so much that they call out to a stranger, I try to help. At the least you might have got a good story out of it. At the most you might have shared in a great life experience for the guy. My .02
Or in my or Chaz's case, ... accidentally fumbled and ruined the guys day, but I'd still try.
I'd push my buddy in and tell the guy helps on the way........wait a second, I don't really have a fishing buddy.

I'd help as long as the water was passable! you never know when you may need assistance. Could be while your floating down the river and your waders are filling up fast.

I don't ever want to hear "isn't that - that @$@#@$%$^%&* fly fisherman, hope he gets out?" as I go floating by.
PennypackFlyer,I will fish with you anytime!! Yes, I would help.
With my luck, the fish would get off, just before I got there.

Pennypack, I'd fish you out. What fly rod do you use.;-)
I have a customized 4wt 8.6' Bamboo flyrod that has 10k gold eyelets, and two 1 k diamonds just infront of the reel seat. Cost me a small fortune. I was told that I would never have any problem with the eyelets freezing up during the winter. And most importantly a battery heated handle to keep my hand warm.
Surely Pennypacker wins for most humorous answer! But I like all of those who say they would help.

As for me, I'd like to think I would help, but I think it would just depend on my mood....
lowkey wrote:
Surely Pennypacker wins for most humorous answer!

This time. Number 27 was quite good.

As for me, I'd like to think I would help, but I think it would just depend on my mood....

Yea, I suppose it would for all of us.

I remember leaving a car load of anglers stuck in the mud many years ago. It bothered me, but Pennypack was driving and didn't want to get his Mercedes 4X4 dirty, so what could I do.;-) (I made that up)

Seriously though. I in no way would criticize what the OP did either and none of us should. I wasn't there. If it would have been very difficult to get to him, I might have not taken the risk either for a fish.

BTW, The last time I tried to help someone get out of a crick, he refused my hand and said ... "I'm old, not dead." You know who who you are. I got a free beer out of it anyway.;-)

A question in return.....If that had been an elderly fly fisherman....would you have gone down and netted his fish with a smile? If so, I would consider it rude to have walked away.

Just a little bit of grace goes a long way.
if there was two of us I'd have one of us help.

even on my own I'd probably help. I might get there too late but its always nice to see big fish and help others out.

unless of course its a big bastard brookie, then he's on his own there - unless I decide to 'land' it first with the point of my wading stick.

NJTroutbum wrote:
A question in return.....If that had been an elderly fly fisherman....would you have gone down and netted his fish with a smile? If so, I would consider it rude to have walked away.

Just a little bit of grace goes a long way.

No, not at all, just too many things instantly ran through my head that could go wrong. From getting there,not easy, to netting another mans fish,what if it breaks off, to what if its a beautiful big wild brown and he brought his stringer but no net. I have towed a boat 2 hours out of the Chesapeake who had engine troubles, helped people who have fallen in the river, helped inexperienced fisherman with flies and knots. Not that I don't want to be kind and helpful, but sometimes not acting is the best thing for all. Alot of good thoughts and answers on both sides, not suprised. I'm not sure there is a right and wrong answer but glad to hear some smart points of view.
You do realize that the trout in there are stocked, right? It's a put and take fishery where spin guys with wax worms and stringers go. Creeling fish is legal and a very regular occurrence. "Spin rod", "wax worms" and "stringer" are being used to paint a negative picture of the angler.

Since you are above those methods, no better time to go down / help the guy and dispense for fly pole knowledge. Maybe you could have converted him or planted the seed.

I believe in karma. What if the roles were reversed? You just hooked the bigest fish you've ever seen and don't have a net. The person thinks "look at that fly fishing azzhole. He's got that fancy gear but didn't bring a net. Serves him right. Let's get outta here". Maybe, just maybe that will happen to you some day.

I'll hand out flies to kids or let them use my gear to land one I've hooked. I'll help an older person get their groceries into the car. If you drop a $50 on the ground, I'll run you down to give it to you. I usually come across on here as a d-bag but I'm not. I try to do what's right and help others.....even if it sometimes inconveniences me. To each their own I suppose.
I do but there are wild fish in there as well. I realize alot of the top section is stocked but also in my experience trout will move upriver in the winters for the warmer water. I never said he was doing anything illegal, I just would feel bad about assisting someone else kill a wild fish, even if its a small chance. By saying I am above the angler you are now trying to paint a negative picture of me. I don't claim to be better than anyone else, I started as a spin fisherman when I was a kid like most people here, I assume. As far as the roles being reversed I would never do what that angler did. Out of respect to others I would not put a fellow outdoorsmen in that situation. It bothers me that respect is often overlooked in fishing and it hits a nerve. I sure as hell ain't going to walk up to a guy who just landed a fish and go you know that's great but fly fishing and catch and release is the best way to go, again very disrespectful.
krayfish2 wrote:
You do realize that the trout in there are stocked, right? It's a put and take fishery where spin guys with wax worms and stringers go. Creeling fish is legal and a very regular occurrence. "Spin rod", "wax worms" and "stringer" are being used to paint a negative picture of the angler.

Yea, I noticed that too. This happens a lot here, and when I see it, I think... There's a guy who took up the sport because of "the movie." :lol:

Frankly it wouldn't make any difference to me what gear the guy was using, or whether or not he was dragging a stringer, even if it was a wild trout. unless of course harvest wasn't legal at that time and place and it sounds like it was.

If he did harvest it, oh well. If he snapped a picture and let it go. COOL! Would be way better than assume he was going to creel it.

I am a firm believer in teaching by example and respect on the stream. Respect on here? Well, most of you are fair game.;-)

Being rude to you guys that use plastic fly rods because I am using a bamboo fly rod is rude but often funny IMO. Being rude to total strangers on the stream because of the gear they use is not funny and I'd never do that.

My dad didn't fish all that much, but when he did fish, it was with bait. Usually for warm water species, but that is irrelevant. God bless his soul.

It's all fishing.

So, rather than playing the age card, a better question, would have been, if he was fly fishing, would you have acted differently. If not, then why specify the gear at all? I didn't ask because I had no reason to think it would, and frankly didn't care.

... I usually come across on here as a d-bag but I'm not. I try to do what's right and help others.....even if it sometimes inconveniences me. To each their own I suppose.

Not a dirtback, no. Smartass, yes.;-)

Ryan, I'd never ask in that situation either, but if nearby, I might offer (and I realize you weren't).
Krayfish: I don't think they would leave - maybe get their phone out and video the event.
Vet with a prosthetic leg....haven't thought of that. Really let's not confuse netting a fish with needing help. Guys clutching his chest I'm there even with my hearing aids from the VA, bypass and stents. But a guy yelling for help to NET A FISH? Come on. This is a fun discussion isn't it?