What do you eat while your are on the water?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I am looking for new snack ideas to eat while on the water.

For day trips; I try to eat before getting on the stream and take snacks. If I am base camped somewhere might make sandwiches if I don't think I will be back to camp till dark.

My usual snacks: Poptarts,bag of nuts-prefer cashews or pistachios, jerky,rice crispy treats.

Whats your Favorite? I need something new.
Red Man Golden Blend. I have trouble taking breaks from fishing.
Some sort of Granola bar, but there has to be a serious lul in the action for me to actually stop and eat.
Generally, when on the water, I like to "take a breather" after several hours of turning a serene and placid pool into something resembling "beer foam", so I often pack a lunch small enough to carry in the back of my vest.
One of my favorite "things" about fly fishing, is to "sit and watch"........ nature, another fly caster, whatever, so the break is two fold for me.
If I'm not packing a lunch, I like nothing more, (when I'm thinking Steak and fries), than to bite down onto a cement like block of hay, grass clippings and barkdust.......held together by sheet rock mud, in the form of a "Power Bar". They don't melt, (usually), and can hold your hunger pangs over until the day's end.
When in my Pontoon Boat, I always take a lunch, anchor somewhere and again.......... take a break from "All that constant hooking, playing, netting and releasing of all those way-oversized huge Trout" that I've been watching the guy in the next boat over, catching while I've gone fishless for 5 hours.
However, if there's a really good hatch on and I can't match the fly from one of the 103 fly boxes in my vest............. I generally will "dine" on something substantial........ by chewing my fingernails to the quick.
There IS one favorite river of mine, that I've yet to be skunked on......... "The Whodathunkit", which has enough of a healthy fish population, that often Bishop and I will enjoy "butter, salt, pepper and lemon juice"........ surrounded by 2 or 3 sizzling Rainbows over a quickly assembled river bank fire.................
I don't flyfish while on a picnic and I don't picnic while flyfishing. :cool:
Someone said to me that bagels have just as many complex charbohydrates as those high-falutin' energy bars that cost $2or3. So I carried those when I was biking, hiking, fishing or what have you. I like to cut them into quarters too, so it was easier to scarf 'em down quick when I wanted to do that. I'm real big on carrying oranges as snacks too.
Not sure if I get this.

For example; you guys hit the stream at like 8am, don't eat hardly anything all day and head back to the car at 9pm "when the action slows" then eat? I would fall down and be delirious. You guys can stand all day and not take 10 minutes to rest and eat something?
Last year or two, I have been fishing mostly less than 6 hours at a time. Years ago, I'd fish for 12 hours without food or even water. I quit that and now always drink a good 20 oz. of water or more on the way to the creek and when I remember, I'll take water out with me. Still don't take food. Now, when I'm at work, I eat all day long.
acristickid wrote:
Not sure if I get this.

For example; you guys hit the stream at like 8am, don't eat hardly anything all day and head back to the car at 9pm "when the action slows" then eat? I would fall down and be delirious. You guys can stand all day and not take 10 minutes to rest and eat something?

I can honestly answer yes to that. I get so consumed with what Im doing that I "forget to eat". At least thats what I tell my wife when she yells at me for comming home hungry. Not trying to sound like I'm "one tough arsed fly fishing S.O.B". Thats not it at all. I just dont think about it and before I know it I've been fishing the hatch for longer than I expected or push polin from place to place looking for hungry snook etc... and what once was morning is now evening. and so on and so on
Are you wading on big slippy oversized boulders and sometimes walking uphill for a mile or are you on the deck of a boat?

I would still be tired and hungrey on the deck of a boat too!
If I leave in the morning and plan to fish past lunch time, I'll prepare accordingly and bring food. Usually, I just plan my trips in half day segments so I can get back to the car to go get a beer and a hot meal, then head back to a different section of the stream. It often gets crappy mid day anyway action-wise. If I'm somewhere like the downstream segment of the salmon river, I'll pack a sandwich. The car is too far away in that case. 9 times out of 10, I usually just arrive at home starved though.
It all depends on where I'm fishing. When I'm in the ANF, I generally get a bowl of cereal before I leave in the morning. On the water, it's granola bars and yogurt covered raisins. Then I'll take a break and go back to my jeep for a sandwich, banana and some gatoraid. Jerky in the afternoon, granola bars are a staple with me. I always have water with me on the stream. Coffee in the mornings too.

That's pretty much sun up to sun down, with a half hour-hour for lunch by the time I get back to the vehicle.

If I'm doing a day trip, then it would have to be granola bar, yogurt covered raisins and jerky. Banana before I go out and maybe another extra back in the vehicle just in case.

Sometimes I'll also take sunflower seeds or some sort of nuts.
acristickid wrote:
Are you wading on big slippy oversized boulders and sometimes walking uphill for a mile or are you on the deck of a boat?

I would still be tired and hungrey on the deck of a boat too!

Both. When I’m trout fishing at home, or when I lived there, or on my boat I just tend to not eat. I probably would if I would think to bring something but normally I don’t bring anything. One time out west we were on a float trip with a buddy and we brought chicken fingers, chips and beer. One time in West Virginia my friend and I sat and ate sheets hoagies while waiting for the sulphur hatch, that was nice. And if my wife or mother in law are on the boat with me they make tuna wraps. Tortilla shell with tuna and other mixings inside. Those are a perfect snack to answer your original question. But when I’m alone and unprovoked I don’t think to eat. Like I said Red Man in the cheek.

I laughed when I read your post. Hiking through treacherous terrain..... or walking around a boat. Climbing boulders and crossing hazardous rivers...... or walking around a boat. :lol: It aint always that easy. Especially when on a charter. :)

I usually fish 1/2 day trips followed up with a good grazing at a chinese buffet. When I do have a full day of fishing planned I take along a PBJ and candy bar w/ a bottle of water. Then I go to a Chinese buffet and finish the day stuffed with General Tso's.
Capt. Matt- FYI I graduated from Riverview High, Sarasota in 1988. Fished for tarpon in high school in Boca Grande and some other old railroad bridge down that way too. I remeber when my brother and I were having some beers kicking back on that old railroad bridge when something huge hit my brothers line and the whole rod with no hesitation flipped over the rail and did not slow once it hit the water either! I always wondered what that fish was. Luckly we had several rods going!

J- Chinese ummm. I am partial to garlic chicken.
acristickid wrote:
Capt. Matt- FYI I graduated from Riverview High, Sarasota in 1988. Fished for tarpon in high school in Boca Grande and some other old railroad bridge down that way too. I remeber when my brother and I were having some beers kicking back on that old railroad bridge when something huge hit my brothers line and the whole rod with no hesitation flipped over the rail and did not slow once it hit the water either! I always wondered what that fish was. Luckly we had several rods going!

J- Chinese ummm. I am partial to garlic chicken.

I have a buddy who just had that happen under the 41 bridge! Thats funny until it hapens to you! The pass is still a war zone your not missing anything. Last month I watched 2 bull sharks maul, and i mean MAUL, a tarpon. It was pretty graphic. Do you ever miss it down here?
Nah,not really until the end of each January. I grew up in Pittsburgh till 14 then moved to FLA. I got put on a waiting list at FSU and UF after Riverview HS, I got accepted at ST. Vincent in Latrobe (pronounced Laytrobe by the way) PA and ended up graduating from there '92. I did attend UF in the fall of 1989. Attended some good Grateful Dead shows while there and got see Emmett Smith play against FSU and the girls. Dont forget the girls. There were 7 girls from UF in Playboy the year I was there. Did I mention the girls!!! Good reason while I only lasted a semester there. My parents have a place down there still and I have two brothers in Florida so I get back a couple times a year.

Alot of wackos in Florida. I always think that if someone gets into trouble in their life or with the law they all run to Florida. Not to mention as you know that it is expensive and the wages are low. But you can not beat the weather from December to April.
I grew up in South Western PA and have lived here a little more than 2 years now. Its okay and I enjoy guiding but Im ready to come back. I've caught all these hard chargers on the fly and I still miss trout. go figure. Def a lot of whacko’s and New Yorkers and bad drivers and expensive houses and bad pay and illegal immigrants...............
I hear ya. Al least there are lots of people from SW Pennslyvania there and finding a Steeler bar is easy.