what are your 3 favorite flies to tie up in the Fall?

Nothing against you stagger, but I have caught turds that fought harder than stocked fish! Yea you're right, they may be smaller but they for sure, fight harder. And if you did an equal weight and size comparison, wild's would blow away stocked trout fighting wise...
JohnnyUtah wrote:
+1 Are you serious?????

100% i'm serious. Maybe the fighting point i may be stretching the truth a tad bit! But don't most of us do that when we are passionate about something?
Well you have your opinion. And here is mine. Get out and fish more.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Well you have your opinion. And here is mine. Get out and fish more.

Yeah, That is something im trying to do more every year.

But in a few months a lot of nice water closes, and it's only special regs water, trophy trout water for a few months. :O(

So unless it's 40F, I don't ever go out and fish much, Hate when them darn guides start freezing up, Or when ice get's on your line and makes your rod load and cast like ****.

Ahh...Man i'm missing Fall already.

Hey, let's get this thread back on topic...

And I'm truly sorry peeps, for being vocal about my opinion on trout. Next time I won't be so much vocal. Peace, LOve and let's all just get along. Life is way tooooooo short!!!

I will say stockies that see a lot of flies and have been caught many of times do get selective. But these fish put up zero fight when hooked...

Studies have shown that stocked fish often expend more calories chasing food than they get from what they eat. Eventually this catches up to them and they starve to death. They get to a point where they stop eating because they in the beginning stages of starvation and no longer have the energy to chase food. This is why stocked fish become so "selective".
stocked fish:

worm flies, eggs, and buggers.

Wild fish:

Any Carrie stevens streamer.
I'm confused again..LOL

Why Mrs. Carrie G streamers for only wild?

I'm taking it you don't think stocked trout are worthy of them?

Drys:Bwos size 22-28
Nymphs:completely out of season but a march brown its what i use the most
Streamers: Micky Finn, Bunny Leach
like the Finns a lot (probably to much) and the Leaches just flat out kill it

I Will agree that if im going to spend the time and money to tie up some of Carrie's streamers i like to catch a nice looking fish so i can support native/wild only fishing with some flies(personally i will only fish some of my super small quill fies on small native streams due to the fact i only get one fish out of them before the quill gives up the ghost why i don't know)
StaggerLee wrote:
I'm confused again..LOL

Why Mrs. Carrie G streamers for only wild?

I'm taking it you don't think stocked trout are worthy of them?

Now I'm confused again. Why do you have such an unbreakable bond of love and passion for [d]turds[/d] stocked trout?
gaeronf wrote:
StaggerLee wrote:
I'm confused again..LOL

Why Mrs. Carrie G streamers for only wild?

I'm taking it you don't think stocked trout are worthy of them?

Now I'm confused again. Why do you have such an unbreakable bond of love and passion for [d]turds[/d] stocked trout?

DOn't get me WrOnG. I love catching me some "WiLD BrOwnS" like in the West B and some smaller creeks in PA. But stocked trout are fun fishing for as well. And I like them very much and not shy about saying fishing for them is just fine by me. But what kills me is many fly guys talk ***** about them, but they fish for them so many days per week or a given month. It's like stocked trout are like some music groups. people say the group is this and that, then when no one is around they are singing the songs, or even own the terrible groups cd at home or it's in the car glove box. Hope that clears it up.


how do you feel about morrissey?
gfen wrote:

how do you feel about morrissey?

ME? I like the song .The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get..

jayL wrote:
And boxxy.

What is? Or who Is boxxy? You got me on that one!

How about some Sublime? FishBone?
jayL wrote:
And boxxy.

not boxxy. i thought it was, but upon review boxxy did not have annoying snakebite lip holes. its just random emo girl pictures.
Yeah, but it's the same basic concept.

There's a sort of earnest sweetness in boxxy that annoying looktime emo kids don't have. sure, she had the punched in the eyes look, but it wasn't so...whatever.

And, on topiciness, I have no idea what three flies I use in fall. Amazing, innit? I mean, there's the Royal Wulff, but when isn't there a royal wulff? I don't think I really have seasons for flies. Seems like alot of thinking involved with that.
I don't think I really have seasons for flies. Seems like alot of thinking involved with that.

Word homes!

I must say, I agree with you on this one. Ahhhh. Boxxy

As for three different flies...

!. Ascending Midge (Olive)
2.Chironomid pupa
3.VC Midge (Black)