What Are You Tying Today?

Quick question and it just kinda jumped out at me in your pictures....is that a Griffin vise you're using?
If you don't mind a little suggestion....if that thing works the way I think, and has an adjustment for angle on your jaws you might be better served by making a steeper angle to the hook.
It will allow the bend of your hook and your materials to clear the flat better and you won't have to clamp them so deeply. This is especially helpful for smaller hooks and patterns.
Check out how steeply the angle of the jaws are set on a vise like the Renzetti traveler.....
Anyway just thinking out loud, if you're happy and comfy with the way it's working by all means , carry on. 😁 Nice flies.

Always appreciate feedback!

Yes, it's a Griffin. I don't fully understand the guidance, though. In the way I've always used the vice, the angle is set by a factory bracket on the vice frame:


I've never experimented with trying to tie without that frame. If that's the suggestion, I'd be interested to hear your experiences

As I've documented elsewhere on the forum last year, I have broken Griffin jaws from having hooks clamped too shallow. Luckily, Griffin sent me a replacement for free, though that seemed to be my mistake.
Check out how steeply pointed upward the jaws are on a Renzetti. This allows the hook itself to "perch" more atop the tips vs jamming the bend in deeply.
That Allen screw should allow you to angle the jaw section more steeply.
Check out how steeply pointed upward the jaws are on a Renzetti. This allows the hook itself to "perch" more atop the tips vs jamming the bend in deeply.
That Allen screw should allow you to angle the jaw section more steeply.
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That Allen screw only allows vertical movement. The silver plated panel locks the angle of the jaws on the backside.
Ahhh..... Sorry I couldn't remember , it's been a lot of years since I messed with one.
Well nevermind then. 😂
Pretend I never said anything. LOL

It's possible the bracket could simply be removed? I think the jaws would shift down with the tension of pulling on thread, etc. Not sure. I may have tried years ago, but memories are fuzzy.


Tip - Gold Tinsel
Tail - Barred wood duck topping scarlet
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Claret wool
Hackle - Guinea
Wing - Peacock herl topping scarlet

Trout - Ray Bergman
deer hair gurgler aka donuthin' bug

#4 Daiichi 2461
white bucktail with pearl flashabou tail
deer hair collar
spun deer hair body
red hackle palmer
white sparkle foam top


a grizzly hackle one too

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Tip - Gold Tinsel
Tail - Barred wood duck topping scarlet
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Claret wool
Hackle - Guinea
Wing - Peacock herl topping scarlet

Trout - Ray Bergman
All your flies look fantastic, but this one is beautiful! Something about those colors and the proportions.
thank you
Sulphur nymph (Dave Rothrock pattern)

I take zero credit for this fly. This is pretty darn true to how Dave ties them and I hope he would approve as he taught me the pattern 30 years ago. 😊
All the materials (and I hope the look and proportions)are true to his pattern except probably the thread. I think Dave uses Uni thread but I happened to have Semperfli 12/0 nano silk bobbin'd up and ready to go.

Mr. Rothrock is one of the godfathers of modern nymph fishing and tightline nymphing in PA and a lifetime student of these things. My box is full of his patterns.

Hook - #16 2xl your choice (also tie a few #14 and #18s as well) #16 is what I personally reach for the most unless I have a reason to do otherwise.
Abdomen and thorax - Hareline dubbin' blend
Thread - 8/0 brown
Tails - wood duck flank tied 3 tail split
Legs - wood duck flank
Wingcase - Canada goose wing quill

Do pheasant tails work? Yep.....hares ears and more generic patterns? Yep.
But you'll never convince me they will out fish it. 😁
Another real confidence fly, and I don't mind an extra minute or 2 to dot the I's and cross the T's.



Ibis Guinea

Tail - Guinea
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Yellow floss
Hackle - Scarlet
Wing - Scarlet

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Tomah Joe

Tail - Yellow
Tip - Peacock herl
Body - Silver tinsel
Hackle - Yellow and scarlet, mixed
Wing - Barred wood duck or mandarin

Trout - Ray Bergman
Sulphur nymph (Dave Rothrock pattern)

I take zero credit for this fly. This is pretty darn true to how Dave ties them and I hope he would approve as he taught me the pattern 30 years ago. 😊
All the materials (and I hope the look and proportions)are true to his pattern except probably the thread. I think Dave uses Uni thread but I happened to have Semperfli 12/0 nano silk bobbin'd up and ready to go.

Mr. Rothrock is one of the godfathers of modern nymph fishing and tightline nymphing in PA and a lifetime student of these things. My box is full of his patterns.

Hook - #16 2xl your choice (also tie a few #14 and #18s as well) #16 is what I personally reach for the most unless I have a reason to do otherwise.
Abdomen and thorax - Hareline dubbin' blend
Thread - 8/0 brown
Tails - wood duck flank tied 3 tail split
Legs - wood duck flank
Wingcase - Canada goose wing quill

Do pheasant tails work? Yep.....hares ears and more generic patterns? Yep.
But you'll never convince me they will out fish it. 😁
Another real confidence fly, and I don't mind an extra minute or 2 to dot the I's and cross the T's.

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Looks great! Will you share the blend?
I came here to ask the same question!
Out of respect for Dave and his work I don't want to just post the actual blend. It's not mine.
He has previously posted pics of many of his nymphs in presentations and books and this exact nymph can be seen in the book "Keystone Fly Fishing" so I feel comfortable enough to post my own creation of his pattern.
I hope everyone understands. 👍
Some scuds from the CVTU favorite flies booklet. Cool little
Publication though I don’t even know where I bought it. I used pieces of a sandwich bag instead of the olive flashback. I think it was poopdeck that mentioned it as an option.


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