>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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One more for today. Just for fun.

Size 12 Mustad 3366-BR sproat hook (just what I had), UV purple ice dub with 140D UltraThread in fire orange and white CDC.

Might need a haircut, but so do I😀


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Same fly - wet....

One more for today. Just for fun.

Size 12 Mustad 3366-BR sproat hook (just what I had), UV purple ice dub with 140D UltraThread in fire orange and white CDC.

Might need a haircut, but so do I😀


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Tried some CDC on a beaded hook.

Made this with 1 whole olive CDC feather, some gold Ulra Wire (med), and red 6/0 UNI-thread.

Was trying to come up with a way to use the whole feather instead of cutting a bunch away and just using it as a collar / thorax.

Think I’m going to do a few more, but tie in the CDC at the middle instead of the start of the bend.

Seems like it would fish pretty much like a microbugger. No problems there.
Seems like it would fish pretty much like a microbugger. No problems there.
That is a good description of how they turned out - was thinking the same......micro-bugger. I started out trying peacock herl body nymphs with a CDC hackle. Got frustrated with the CDC and ended up making these. Never really tied nymphs - gotta work on keeping a taper and wire wrapping skills.


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Brown Owl

Hook - Mustad L87AP-TX or equivalent
Thread - Brown
Body - Oval gold tinsel
Underwing - Deer hair
Overwing - Teal flank feather
Collar - Grizzly hackle fibers (trim off top fibers)

The Brown Owl was created by Bob Broad of Errol New Hampshire and is best used to imitate the large Stoneflies that hatch on the area rivers.


Improved Brown Owl

Hook - Mustad L87AP-TX or equivalent
Thread - Fire orange
Body - Gold embossed tinsel
Underwing - Deer hair
Overwing - Teal flank feather
Throat - Grizzly hackle fibers
Thorax - Peacock herl

Red Ash

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under floss, black head
Tip - Gold tinsel
Body - Red floss
Hackle - Blue dun
Wing - Brown mallard

Trout - Ray Bergman


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under floss, black head
Body - White floss
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Dark red or claret

Trout - Ray Bergman
thank you
Splitsville caddis. Failing much worse than this previously is what lead me to learning parachute and hackle stacker. I'm reasonably satisfied with this tie. There is definitely room to do better, but it'll catch trout.


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#10 Edson Dark Tiger style. Maybe a bit too sparse with the buck tail and i didnt have yellow chenille so i used some flashy yellow stuff i had on hand. I had purple thread spooled up so that is what I used.


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Mash, apologies if you mentioned it elsewhere, did you make that fly tray? I was looking for something like this. Nice GD!
hi Turkey ... im not capable of making anything like that tray .... but i also was looking for something exactly like it ... i wanted a "mini Fly Shop" thing that would let me see what i have, look nice, etc .... Guess what ...

Jeff Bezos sent it to me!! the wife found it for me on --- where else --- Amazon. let me dig up the name ... and i'll try to post it here. i remember there were many choices of size, compartments,etc. glad you liked it!
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