>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Sat down tonight an tied a bunch of Blue Bottles (might try to sneak these in as a bonus fly to Kim's current fly swap - they meet the criteria and theme!)
I have to stop viewing this thread. It makes me want to tie more flies. Nice tie!
Just killing time and getting some practice in.

Hook - 14
Thread - Black 12/0 Veevus
Tail - Moose body hair
Body - Moose main, one dark one light hit with a lime green sharpie
Wing - Mallard flank
Hackle - Med ginger

#20 Midge Larvae
Trial run w DMC Floss. Here, #301
2 strands Floss & 1 strand Purple Flash
When in the "water tank" they have very nice subtle vibrance .
My new collection of DMC Floss has grown from 2 to, now 7.
Looks like the DMC Floss road will b time well spent.
I am really gonna scare myself if / when I get some of those
HeavyDuty CardBoard " Floss bobbins"😱


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Still raining, still messing around at the vise. I decided to add wally wings to a Hacklestacker to break the monotony. The thorax ended up a little bigger than I wanted, my order of tying the material in might have been out of sort and perhaps I should have tried on a larger hook first. Maybe I’ll cut this one off the hook and try another, maybe not.

Hook - 16
Thread - Black 12/0 Veevus
Tail - grizzly/brown hackle fibers
Body - Moose mane, one dark one light
Wing - Mallard flank
Post - Black span flex
Hackle - Grizzly
Thorax - black dubbing
I tried dying a snowshoe rabbit foot brown yesterday and it turned out gray. ?? Gray isn’t a bad color in any case so I decided to tie a wet fly with it.

I also plucked one of the Hungarian Partridge feathers from a skin that I hadn’t previously used for a collar on the fly.

I might trail one of those snowshoe wets behind a Parachute Adams to see which fly, if either, the trout prefer.


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