>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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Shad imitation tied with tungsten bead keel weights...


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A big streamer for trout or toothies.

Although it's hard to see it, this fly incorporates the style of stinger hook (snipped treble hook circled in red) I have described in the running thread about stinger hooks...


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One really good way to incorporate the hook in the rear of the fly is to tie a gamechanger type fly. It maintains all the movement with the "stinger" hook tied in the tail segment.

Decided to give Lively Legz a try. The trout liked it!


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I'll take 6 of each and will happily provide my address. Everything looks super on this page.
I was tying these for Panfish today in size 16 and they were not as Midge-like due to their size. Pretty sure no proud trout will eat them but Gills will.
Dave_W wrote:
Midges: dry and pupa - size #24...

Manhattan Midge

Hook - Mustad CO68, size 16 - 24
Bead - Silver lined craft store seed beads
Thread - Black, red, olive, brown etc
Ribbing - X-small or fine copper wire
Body - Tying thread
Wing - Pearl krystal flash or equivalent
Thorax - Peacock Herl

A Pat Dorsey Fly Pattern
Baron wrote:
I was tying these for Panfish today in size 16 and they were not as Midge-like due to their size. Pretty sure no proud trout will eat them but Gills will.

If they catch bluegills, they will catch trout. 🙂
(I'm serious).
Last fly I tied probably could of trimmed it a little more but I’m sure the fish don’t mind .


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Mole Fly

Originator - Charlie Craven

Hook - Mustad CO68, Size 18-24 (or equivalent)
Thread - Gray 
Wing - Natural Mallard CDC- Gray
Body - Brown beaver dubbing
Very Fishy Lookin! Let me know how it works for Pickerel.
Fredrick wrote:
Last fly I tied probably could of trimmed it a little more but I’m sure the fish don’t mind .
nfrechet wrote:

Mole Fly

Originator - Charlie Craven

Hook - Mustad CO68, Size 18-24 (or equivalent)
Thread - Gray 
Wing - Natural Mallard CDC- Gray
Body - Brown beaver dubbing

Simple, Clean and fishy.

Babe Nymph

Hook - Mustad S82-3906B, Size 10-14
Weight - Lead/lead free wire (optional)
Thread - Black
Tail - Barred teal fibers
Ribbing - Copper wire
Shellback - Natural gray goose quill section
Body - Natural or synthetic dubbing in your favorite color
Legs - Barred teal fibers

Popular Fly Patterns - Terry Hellekson
Beautiful ties"nfrechet".

Every year one fly seems to be the one that works. One year it's a prince nymph, the next year it's PT. This year I had a lot of success with an Adams in size 14.

Thought I'd tie some smaller ones. (18) Don't often tackle something thing this small and complicated. It's really difficult to keep the proportions correct. Still working on that.


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Baron wrote:
nfrechet wrote:

Mole Fly

Originator - Charlie Craven

Hook - Mustad CO68, Size 18-24 (or equivalent)
Thread - Gray 
Wing - Natural Mallard CDC- Gray
Body - Brown beaver dubbing

Simple, Clean and fishy.

I love this pattern. It is a fast and easy tie even in really small sizes and when trout are sipping something small that you can't quite see (i.e. BWO or midges) this is the first thing I put on. Also tie it with with an olive body.
Rubber-legged stimulators in various sizes and color combinations.

Longing for dry-dropper season!


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