>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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John's Wooly Worm (John Turner originator)

Category - Dry Fly

Hook - 3xl dry fly style

Thread - Black

Tail/antenna - White rubber legs

Hackle - Grizzly and brown, palmered

Body - Black synthetic dubbing


Hook - Curved style

Brad - Gold

Thread - Chartreuse

Body - Chartreuse micro chenille and pearl tinsel

Ribbing - Olive wire

Henry’s Lake Renegade

Category -  Dry fly but can also be tied and fished as a wet fly

Hook  - Standard dry fly hook, sizes 8-12. Long nymph hook size 12

Thread - Red

Tag - Optional - This pattern is sometimes tied with a tag of red thread

Rear Hackle - 2-3 wraps of Furnace or brown dry fly hackle

Body - Peacock herl (reinforce by wrapping around tying thread)

Front Hackle - 2-3 wraps of Furnace or brown dry fly hackle

A variation on the classic Taylor “Beartracks” Willams’ Renegade pattern. "Beartracks" Williams, from Idaho, tied the original Renegade in 1928 and it has inspired many variations.


Category - Salmon

Hook - Up eye salmon 

Thread - Black

Tail - Golden pheasant tippets

Butt - Black ostrich herl

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Dark green wool

Wing - Pine squirrel tail

Hackle - Brown
Its like a gourmet dinner mixed with Beauty products. Look at that list of ingredients. Beautiful.....
These are "revised" flies rather than newly tied ones. Years ago I came up with a streamer I really liked by modifying Bob Popovic's "Semper Fleye". I tied up a bunch to take up to Ontario, mainly for pike, but also for smallmouth. Looking back at pictures, it looks like I only fished the all white ones. When I got back and unpacked the wallet I had them I stuck it in some dark corner and there it sat long enough for the two that had 5 minute epoxy heads have the heads turn yellow. Looks like I used Liquid Fusion for most of the other heads. It had shrunk around the eyes leaving grooves between the eyes. What I did was wrap down the material behind the heads and then remove the coating, eyes and in most cases the thread head. I replaced some of the hackle on a couple of them just to shorten then new head. I think we're suppose to add the recipe. Here it goes.

Hook: Long shank streamer hook, straight eye, size 1/0 to 4/0 I used Tiemco, Eagle Claw, Varivas, Gamakatsu. Salt Water and Fresh Water

Thread: Color to match fly

Tail: Buck Tail, Flash, 3 to 6 saddle hackles, 1 or 2 on each side and on top

Body: Spey Hackle and Estaz or other long fiber sparkle chenille. Start with two or three wraps of chenille, then wrap 1 or two spey hackles, alternate chenille and hackle, last wrap should be spey hackle.

Head: Build up thread. Try for a bullet shape

Eyes: Your choice. In the remake I used "Living Eyes" 8.5 mm

Head Finish: UV resin of your choice.

Here's a few of the flies. I've found 18 so far. I have 12 done and 6 more to finish up.



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I spent a few hours on Lackawaxen last weekend and caddis were plentiful. So here goes...


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gobie for lakers


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The body is dubbing from fly tyers dungeon, right?

1914 Chevrolet


1964 Chevrolet Station Wagon Streamer



just the tail
norm i remember the complete set in my uncles dealership. wish i had it now
yes its ftd and the head is a jiggy fly head
Melvin Posts these beauties and has been coaching me in tying them, Not sure what they will catch but they sure caught my eye (chuckle)!
Anyway he will likely comment on them shortly:


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Wow thanks Barron for posting them for me
You got it. When I get better we'll finish that lesson......
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