>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part II

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Ok so tried a new one last night and had all kinds of trouble. Need a lot more practice on this one. Do you guys have any tips on doing the partridge collar I wanted to rip my hair out. Also what do you guys do for the ribbing? As you can see mine can't be seen I used gold wire in BR size. Please be honest any help is appreciated you can't get better if you don't know what you're doing wrong right.



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Nate, are you intending for this to be a wet fly? If so I would eliminate the bead. The partridge is not bad. A bit too long for my taste. Also a bit too much. One turn around two at most. Many times I tie feather in the strip off the fibers on the bottom side. You can then do 2 turns around and still keep collar sparse. So try this. When you are ready to wind hackle. keep your thread behind it. Wind hackle then kinda weave your thread through with out trapping fibers. This takes a bit of practice. But worth the effort. The fly will hold up much better. This is so easy for me to show someone. But not quite as easy to write down.

Got home from a trip to see Star Wars and spent a little time at the bench tying up these.

My twist on a Frenchie.



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I was watching some pattern videos and saw Tightline's "Kintner Boy". Being a Jaws fan, and enjoying some summertime panfishing, I had to give this one a shot.



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Dave, nice job on the Frenchies.
Jim, that foam bug looks good. Pan fish will eat that up.

When I'm landing slab Pumpkinseeds next summer, Mike can have one of my flies. Afish gets a kindly waived hello instead. Or at least one out of five fingers. :-D
laurelrun wrote:
When I'm landing slab Pumpkinseeds next summer, Mike can have one of my flies. Afish gets a kindly waived hello instead. Or at least one out of five fingers. :-D

Ha HA!

A few saltwater flies from last night.


Need to get better at trimming this type.

I have been slacking this year at the vice but started up last night. I will be tying every night from now until my list is finished.

Created a list yesterday of what I need to tie and how many. 600 flies over the next month will keep me busy.
dc410 wrote:

That's a great looking caddis larva. What's the material for the body?

Thank you! It is woven with chartreuse and highlander green uni-yarn.
Yep. I thought is was a woven body. That is one part of fly tying that I have never tried to do much yet. One of these years I will give that a shot. Real nice tie! I hope your tying goes well. Share some of your other creations with us along the way.
Got a question for you guys. What do you guys use a dark barred ginger hackle for? Was in my local shop yesterday and in the clearance been was a Whiting Bronze dark barred ginger saddle. 35$ so i grabbed it. What flies do you use it on?
well the nymph box is filling up nicely so I decided to start working on some dries. Figured id start big with a few Kaufmann's stimulators to get back into the swing of dries before I started on the smaller stuff.


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I got some time on the vise this week. The big trout box is expanding.
My version of the headbanger

Another Double D

And some wedding bling head for some lapels.
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