What are you looking forward to in 2015 ?

To fish with more people that are as nice as gfoledc, lv2nymph, and mario66. I really enjoyed it guys!

And - even though I have no control over it - I'd like to see less spring time rains (no monsoons) this year!
so i understand your woes.

I wouldn't call them woes. I'm in a good spot in life. Just one where fly fishing has to take a back seat to higher priorities in life.
1. Dip my waders in some new waters. Moving out of the perkiomen valley and into the birdsboro area of Berks has me pretty overwhelmed as to where I should start but I'm already scanning maps and stoked on all the streams PAFB has labeled as wild streams around the are. Regardless of fish, just the adventure of so much new water has me very excited to learn a new area.

2. Maybe transition(slowly) my wife's boy(10) from bait and spin to fly fishing.

3. I now live on the Schuylkill River Trail, so I'm really excited to find some way to strap my rod and some gear to a backpack and see just how much I can access from a mountain bike close to home.

4. Finally restore to working order that bamboo rod my buddy gave me like 3 years go. It needs some serious work but not too much for me to handle I think.

5. Warmwater fly tossing from a kayak in the schuylkill for some smallies or whatever else I can find.

I'm sure there is more but that's a quick 5 right of the top of my noggin.

6. Oh and maybe make it to another PAFF event of some kind and look into local TU stuff some more.
Oh and maybe purchase a crappy camera or better phone so I can document and actually share some of these new adventures ha.
Two days till im on a flats boat casting to bull redfish in Louisiana.
marcq wrote:
Two days till im on a flats boat casting to bull redfish in Louisiana.

Awesome, wish I was doing that. Have a great trip!

My GF will be spending the summer on the Gulf coast and if I visit my goal is to catch a fish on the fly rod there. I lost two small tarpon when we were there on a short vacation this past summer. I'm out for revenge this time.

Want to explore the Potomac river and Shenandoah NP more. Hope to have a chance to fish old haunts in state college area as well.
Life is good. My truck is pushing 184k. I'm excited about going over 200k. Never had one last this long before. I make my last college payment this month and then I'm taking my first real vacation in 6 years. It won't involve fishing at all. I'm thinking vegas or Hawaii.
GenCon wrote:
marcq wrote:
Two days till im on a flats boat casting to bull redfish in Louisiana.

Awesome, wish I was doing that. Have a great trip!


Yep - me too! Good luck with your trip. Post some pics when yuh get back.
I have been doing this trout fishing thing for about 70 years now. It covered every thing from a stick, string, hook and some worms to catch and release fly fishing now. I just started to keep a log in the last couple of years and it is amazing to me how many trout I actually catch and when I catch them. So I am looking forward to again catching a trout in every month of the year and exceeding the number caught last year. Since I am now in my 80th year I am also looking forward to a few more years of my favorite thing to do.
Shorts- very good. Cannot be underestimated.

The older I get the more I like winter to end sooner. So yes, I am looking forward to spring.

I am still chasing a good sulpher spinnerfall. Have'nt caught a solid one in a few years.

Looking forward to flyfishing in northern NV this July- going after some native fishes- Humboldt and Lahontan cutthroat, Columbia and northern Great Basin redband rainbow trout. Reading up on the area and fish- excited to go already.

Maybe NY again in the fall too.

Good luck to all fly anglers in 2015.
I'm looking forward to the spring hatches. I didn't get to do much fishing last spring and I want to make up for it this year. I have an addiction for convincing a fish to eat off the surface and I need a good fix.

I'm looking forward to the ''Does anyone know this dude ?'' thread ending....
AndyP wrote:
I'm looking forward to the ''Does anyone know this dude ?'' thread ending....
:lol: :lol: Me too!
Spending time at camp on the First Fork fishing, relaxing and teaching my Grandson to swear.
I'm looking forward to:

Taking my grand-children out fishing

More time on the water with my brother.

Catching more fish

Improving my fishing and tying skills

Fishing new to me waters

Fishing with more friends from PAFF.
Shorts, no shirt, fly rod.