Wet flys are just that, any artificial fly fished subsurface. We all know those days when were fising drys, only to snag a fish on the retrieve before casting, you know pulling a wake and all!!!!!!!!
But how about this, ever grease a flymph or a soft hackle? It ruins it for life but WOW, we've used this on rising fish with great results. Like allways tho, its not the"secret weapoon", just another shot in the dark that sometimes works.
I was a confirmed wet guy back in the 70's till I started reading, then I found out I had been doing everything wrong and should use drys more!!!!!!!!!!
Now I back, thank god, back to catching lost and larger, using wet/nymphs 90% of the time. I've only fished dry this summer once. Just haven't seen the need.
Also, when fishing underneath, I tipically use 2 or more, depending on the water I'm in. Rigs of three still produce well, just like they did in the 70's!!!!!!!!!!!
Like everyone else, I learn something new each time I'm out!
Good fishin,