Wet fly vs. soft hackel

They might, but I am pretty sure they can't read internet message boards. Their computers would short out underwater.
Wet flies include:

A) Winged wets

B) Wingless wets

Wingless wets are sometimes called soft hackles. There isn't any distinction between a wingless wet and a soft hackle. They are the same thing.

Wingless wets aren't a modern innovation. Both winged and wingless wets go WAY back. They preceded dry flies BTW, by centuries.

The term "soft hackle" is fairly modern. But the flies described by that name are ancient.

The flies didn't change. Just the name.
Wet flys are just that, any artificial fly fished subsurface. We all know those days when were fising drys, only to snag a fish on the retrieve before casting, you know pulling a wake and all!!!!!!!!

But how about this, ever grease a flymph or a soft hackle? It ruins it for life but WOW, we've used this on rising fish with great results. Like allways tho, its not the"secret weapoon", just another shot in the dark that sometimes works.

I was a confirmed wet guy back in the 70's till I started reading, then I found out I had been doing everything wrong and should use drys more!!!!!!!!!!

Now I back, thank god, back to catching lost and larger, using wet/nymphs 90% of the time. I've only fished dry this summer once. Just haven't seen the need.

Also, when fishing underneath, I tipically use 2 or more, depending on the water I'm in. Rigs of three still produce well, just like they did in the 70's!!!!!!!!!!!

Like everyone else, I learn something new each time I'm out!

Good fishin,
Alright too many posts to read through. I thought a wet fly had feather wings and a soft hackle had just what they said was soft hackle spun around the body. I thought wet flies moved more like streamers and soft hackle were more like nymphs but without the weight with the spun hackle simmulating legs.
Wet, see Troutberts message. I believe he has it right. Even streamers and nymphs are really wetflys. The differientation comes when marketing them or better describing their specific use or immitation.
Thanks! I almost think I've got it but have heard allot of people refer to soft hackle as wet flies without wings. Then again a maribou streamer seems like a soft hackle a bit to me. I guess I just think of a fluffy fly with that soft poofy action as opposed to a fly that darts and cuts through the water. Sorry guys, about my description. I'm using the girl side of my brain.
wet fly or soft hackel whatever you want to call them i fish them alot they work
I have run into situations where a wing does make a difference. This past summer on the Yough I remember fishing a decent caddis hatch on top when it started to rain too hard to fish dries so I tied on a pair of soft hackle with the same body coloration, cinnamon, thinking the rain had probably punched a bunch of insects into the water. After coming up empty for awhile I tried a winged, rusty-bodied wet and started to roll fish right away. I believe the wing did make a difference. That has happened quite a few times for me over the years.
Convince me that soft hackle have wings. OK. I'm being stubborn now. Soft hackle doesn't have wings that is a wet fly. A soft hackle fly is a wet fly as well but "HAS SOFT HACKLE". No wings. That is my own personal distinguishment. "Soft" No wings as in stiff feathers only hackle. I'm on a mission now. I believe soft hackle flies should be forever described as underwater flies with no stiff feathers, only dubbing and hackle. "Soft Hackle". Wet flies are all under water flies. So how do we describe wet flies with feathers? Winged Wet Fly Wonders? OMG. How will I ever distinguish streamers with and without feathers, pheasant tail or jungle ****. Now I need a category for streamers with or without feathers! Crap! And Darn Worms!!!!! I can't keep the lid on that one!

Does anyone else yearn for spring?
This is a great thread. The nearest thing I've ever had in my fly boxes to a wet fly is a slew of soft hackel flys that were on an old fishing hat my dad bought at a yard sale for me. He dosn't fish. I had read about wet flys and how they were fished and the first time I tied one on and it hit the water I instantly thought to myself"wet fly". I have taken my nippers to a few of them and also some epoxy to thin them out, to stream line them a little. In all their forms and mods I have caught fish with them. Even if they are not a true wet fly, I enjoy fishing them. Again, great thread.
Deleted ramble:

Wetnet, for my soft-hackle wets, I usually use them only during caddis hatches, but here's my basic tie.


Use the drop-down menu and pick "tan soft-hackle".

Call that hackle, a wing, whatever you want. I think of it as a wing but tied in the round. It's an incredibly easy tie that even I can do, and it works both deaddrifted or swung, so thats good enough for me. Of course, change the body color and size to the caddis you wish to match.