Western PA Wild Trout and Sandwich Symposium No. 4

Just set a date Kevin. With enough time I should be able to make just about any Saturday.
How does Sat. January 21st sound to everyone?
oh jeez, not THAT day! Just kiddin, 21st sounds good, I'll be there.
That sounds as good as any other date to me also. I'll have to see if I can get it off
PennKev wrote:
How does Sat. January 21st sound to everyone?

I think January 21, 2013 is a Monday. The 19th is a Saturday, and the only weekend I have off that month, so I'd be good if that's the weekend you're thinking of.
Saturday, monday, whenever! Ok, 19th it is!
turkey wrote:

I think January 21, 2013 is a Monday. The 19th is a Saturday, and the only weekend I have off that month, so I'd be good if that's the weekend you're thinking of.

Yep I screwed up. I was looking at the wrong year's calendar. The 19th is indeed the day i meant to post!!!


So..... Is the 19th of January good for everyone?
Just an update:

We are just over 2 weeks out from Jan 19th.

If you think there is anyone missing out on this or otherwise unaware of the date, please let them know!
I'm unfortunately not going to make it. Had another event come up. I will be planning on going to Primanti's after the Cabin Fever show in February if others are planning on going.
Hoping to come by and meet some of y'all
What time do you guys usually meet up? I may work a half day and head up after.
It's looking like 1:00PM will be the time. However I would not mind starting earlier and will prob get there around 12:30 anyway.
I'll be there around 12:30
Can't get sat off, so I'm gonna have to sit this one out.

Hope to hook up with you guys at cabin fever
Headed to Kalihari waterpark with 13 high schoolers instead... wish me luck!

I'm still up for meeting after Cabin Fever.
Whos in? Sounds like we'll have a small group.
i am gonna try to come for for it
Wild Trout and Sandwich


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I have not made any of these even though I would really like too... I am out again this year.
I too, think I will not be attending.

Have a good time, and someone please chase a waitress for me!