West Branch of Delaware float?



Mar 21, 2012
My father is coming to visit me in the Pocono's for labor day weekend. I was thinking about floating the West branch. I have a 10' rowboat with trolling motor. Will this work? How deep is the river here? Any suggestions? Thanks?
IMO, no. The River gets too shallow in many places. A drift boat, pontoon boat, kayak, or canoe work well. I've seen guys try to float the D with a rowboat and get stuck in the riffs or bang off the rocks.

Further, you really should try to float behind wading fishermen when passing by them. With a rowboat, the water is likely too shallow to do that. It really wouldn't be a pleasant trip at all for you guys.

The River is in decent shape to wade right now, why not give that a try?
+1 to prior post.

Rowboat = fail and probably a boat with 10 holes in it before reaching the take out ramp. Would you are trying it with zero experience on river and on a labor day weekend? I fear you'd suffer verbal abuse by other boaters, wade fishermen and spend much time getting the boat unstuck. Canoe to get from point A to point B is a good suggestion as is wading. Current release is 600-ish which is fine. Like any other place, just watch where you are walking. It's very likely you will have your line rowed over by 100 kayaks and canoes. It will be a busy weekend on the water. The 4th of July was real bad and won't try that one again.

If you can afford a guide, it would make your life much easier or find a person with river experience to float with. There are quite a few on here.
Thank You. That is why I posted here first. My father has had some issues with wading. I had him out to Montana a few years back and tried to get him to fish a couple of streams in Yellowstone and the Gallatin but the walking was too rough. Since then he has had at least one hip and a knee replaced. I'm not sure about his ability at this point so I figured if I could find an easier way I would. A guide is out of the question as I don't have the funds. I had also considered Resica but they only have yearly passes. Any suggestions on easily wadeable creeks in the Pocono's?
Don't get me wrong, there's some fairly wadeable stuff near the ramps but hanging close to Poconos will probably be easier for your pop and could be more fruitful. I fishe Resica and Saw but it was many moons ago. Hopefully someone will chime in with helpful info. You can rent a canoe in Hancock for $60-75 per day. Add in a shuttle for $25 and you''re in business for less that $100. You can pull over just about anywhere or dad can fish from the boat.
Brodhead and McMichaels both have lots of trout in them. I've recently fished and kayaked both and was pleasantly surprised with the amount of trout. Also, you can't go wrong with any of the Monroe County Class A streams listed on the PFBC website.