West Branch Delaware

I can't tell you how many trips I've made that were a bust in the 80's & early 90's. Prior to internet, I'd just load up and go. I'd get what I got when I pulled in. Sometimes blown out or super low and 68 degrees.

You can nymph some of the runs just fine on foot. Toss them some iso nous, small pt or yellow soft hackles. You'll get hooked up during the day doing that. Don't be surprised to find bows in 6 inches of water.
Thanks Krayfish! I was up the weekend of the 7th and I stayed at The Capra Inn. I think I saw you, at least your dog at the Capra. I remember reading that you were going to be up there for a few days. I saw the dog at the hotel and it looked like your dog from the pictures on this site. We were the guys that were cooking burgers on a grill in the parking lot at 10:30 at night on Saturday.
OK. If you saw the Brit, that was me. We had a couple of blue pontoons stacked on my trailer. Stimey just sent me a text about going up Saturday. I told him that I'd just promised my nephew a trip to the Tully. Jim said he'll bring the driftboat so I can still take the little guy along. It will probably be a Friday 6pm decision as to making the trip or doing yard work and fishing locally / taking a nap. Cloud cover will help but I don't think it's forecast. If you don't want to nymph, dropper will help you pick up a few more fish.

Did you get to see the drama when the one guy walked out on Saturday? I mentioned a guides name and that was it. The guy I was sharing a room with lost his mind and walked out. Drove back to Jersey on Saturday morning. Sad yet hilarious.
I didn't see any drama. That is funny. I guess he doesn't like that guide too much. We got back around 10:15. We cooked and had a few beers and were in bed around 12:00. I was ready to hang out and have a few more beverages, but my buddy acts older than he is.

Unfortunately, we went home the next day. We fished the upper state game lands on Saturday and caught a few. On Sunday we fished the main stem at Buckingham. We fished the riffle with golden stones, but didn't get any. We only fished Sunday from 9:00 till 12:00.

I will be at the Capra again Friday night. That is definitely a great place to stay while fishing the area. It's cheap and nice and I like that it is mostly fisherman. Also, where can you get a room that gives you a discount if you are there for fishing?
Troy wrote:
Also, where can you get a room that gives you a discount if you are there for fishing?


I love the "fisherman rate" at the Capra!
The Capra is a great place to stay.

Keep checking the stream reports and the USGS site. Chances are the river will be fine.

Enjoy your trip.
Radar shows storms 'training' over beaverkill and upper east. I'm smelling a blow out if the weather channel future radar is correct. Ugh.
If you make the trip, let us know how you did- I'm headed up Monday and would definitely be interested in a report.
They must have had a real soaker in the valleys. Upper eb is highest flow ever for this date....so is lower eb. I'm sure Ray will be pissed since last time through we saw him working on eel trap and this will knock it down again. Beaverkill is cranking and I'm sure east and main look like yoohoo. West appeared to be spared but there's a pile of water heading toward the lake. Not sure if it's enough to spill but the normal inflow is 150cfs and it was over 3k. We'll see in 24 hours I guess. If it does spill, it will warm the river pretty dramatically so the lower section could get close to 70. On top of that, they could crack open a gate and then all bets are off. Just one more factor that makes fishing there tough.
It's going to be fine. :-D
If I stay home and tanbark, it will be for sure. :-D
Well, then please take one for the team and stay home. Just kidding. If you do head up, I will definitely be on the look out for you and introduce myself. I will be by myself in a grey Trailblazer. I'm sure I will be sitting on the porch having a few drinks Friday evening. Thanks again!
Let's have a fishing report when you get back.
Hey Andy,
I PMed you a more detailed version of my trip. I don't know if it went though. It might have timed out. Let me know and I will send another one if needed.

No PM Troy. Must have timed out.
Get in the habit of always coping what you have typed before submitting. Then pay attention to the message that pops up. You can immediately repost your reply/comment if you have timed out...

Have a nice day
Night_Stalker wrote:
Get in the habit of always coping what you have typed before submitting. Then pay attention to the message that pops up. You can immediately repost your reply/comment if you have timed out...

Have a nice day

Thanks! That is a good idea. Andy, I will send another one.