Waterproof/Shockproof Camera



Mar 14, 2011
I'd like to take more pictures of my fishing adventures and the point and shoot camera I currently have almost never comes out of the pack for fear of getting it wet or dropping it in the stream. Thinking of getting a waterproof/shockproof camera that I can just hang on my pack so that there's no excuse for not snapping a quick pic. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
i really like the olympus SW/ tough cameras... you just need to make sure you get the right one. Some of some gimc features that hurt the performance of the camera.

The Pannasonics are also nice

Many people like the Cannons... i have not used one and have never seen impressive images from them

Nikon also has a new SW series
I came close to buying an Olympus. The picture quality looks good and the form factor is good. The thing that turned me off is the responsiveness (lack of). I only tested in the store and read reviews so take it for what it's worth, it just seemed like it took so long to power up and focus and such. I value quickness more than anything in a fishing camera.

The Canon waterproof stuff is not typically sold in big box stores. You can get it on Amazon or probably at some specialty shops more focused on cameras.

I've had 2 lines of Canons

1. A regular P&S with the waterproof case, Canon makes a snorkeling case to fit all of it's cameras. It's clear plastic, lets you do all controls from the outside, the pictures came out great. The negatives are that the case itself is like an extra $100, and it takes your thin little P&S and turns it into the size of an SLR.

2. Canon Powershot D10 - this is what I have now. It takes excellent pictures, the camera review sites rate it a little above the Olympus's. It is ridiculously quick to power up and focus, I can power it up, focus, take a picture, and shut it off within 5 seconds. Drawbacks are that it's a little more money than the competition, and it has this weird egg shape. It's not huge, but it doesn't fit in a pocket right.

They've just come out with the Canon D20. I have not seen one. Looks like it's a bit more money, and the biggest upgrade is with video and a bigger screen, and a skinnier frame. Also a little wider angle lens. All else being equal you'd have to decide if that's worth the money. My concern would be to check what they sacrificed? Lens speed, sensor size, aperture, shutter speed? They addressed where the D10 fell short of it's competition, but I'd fear they may have sacrificed what it excelled in to do it. If they made it just like everything else on the market that'd be a step back IMO.
Dear podguy,

I have an Olympus Stylus Tough 8010. I'm happy with it but I have been using various Olympus P+S digital cameras since 1996 or so. It feels solid and well made. I agree with some of the issues Pat spoke of like the start up delay, but that doesn't really bother me.

I had a problem with the camera while it was under warranty. I sent it back to Olympus, they repaired it for nothing, and they extended the warranty for another 6 months. I can't say if any other camera maker would have done the same thing but to me at least that seemed like a nice gesture.

All the cameras available today in waterproof models seem to be pretty decent cameras. I'd suggest you go to a store that sells several different brands and fiddle around with them. You should be able to find something that your comfortable with by doing that.


Tim Murphy :)
Thanks so much for all of your input. The only one I've had a chance to handle is the Sony Tx10, which I didn't like because all of the functions were touch screen. I can't see that working well with cold wet fingers. Olympus, nikon, and Canon all seem to have good reviews. I will have to make time to handle them all because on paper they are all very similar...at least to a beginner.
+1 for the stylus tough

easy to use and I'm not of the ability to really discern photo quality between any of the choices.

they are probably all very similar though, pick the one you like best
Surprised no one mentioned the Pentax waterproof cameras. I've had my W60 for several years, and its been flawless.

Takes less than 2 seconds to power up and shoot, and it takes dslr quality macro shots, down to 1 cm away from the lens. The new models are kinda pricey, though.

Here's an amazing deal on a Panasonic kit:

I still have the old Pentax Optio w20. I would like to upgrade but this thing just keeps working. It has been slimed, dropped in mud then stepped on and dropped 15' out of a tree stand.
I have an Olympus 810sw and a tough 8010. The 810 has a more user friendly menu but the zoom is weak. The 8010 has a little better zoom, 14 meg pic and 720p video. The menu / interface is pretty awful but the pics are nice. Underwater video is good. Microphone pics up all noise...including lens zoom. You can find closeouts of the 8010 on eBay for under $200. That's what spurred me into getting one. You can also zoom in / out while doing video. Some cameras won't permit that function. Good luck and happy shopping.
I have an Olympus SW 850. It's an older model, but still takes decent shots. I have beat it up an it still shoots good.
Oly 8010 is a good choice
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Here's an amazing deal on a Panasonic kit:


Not trying to crap on the deal but the camera is currently $119 at Amazon with no tax and free shipping ($155 with shipping at Adoroma). The case, 8gb SD card and tripod is not worth $36 premium imo.

Buy the camera at amazon, use the $36 to get 32 gb SD card and extra non-OEM battery at Meritline.

Having said that, I LOVE Panasonic cameras. I don't know too much about the waterproof series but most of my field adjusters and I use Panasonic cameras.
Same as jdaddy. Panasonic makes some real nice cameras, right up there with the big boys like Canon and Nikon. But I have zero experience with the waterproof line.
Just saw a commercial yesterday that Nikon is putting out a new waterproof camera. Looks sweet, has a built in GPS, and is over $300.......
Yeah, the new Canon has a built in GPS as well. It's not something that attracts me, and in fact, I'd want assurances that you can turn it off. I've always been an advocate of talking about streams, but having GPS coordinates posted to the pics I post takes it a little too far!

I keep them in folders labeled by date and stream name anyway. I know where they were taken. It adds zero value and a potentially huge detriment to a fishing camera.
I'll probably stick with my Pentax W30 until something happens to it.

I keep it in a camera-size shoulder bag with a zinger pinned on it and attached to the camera strap. Fits under one shoulder, my fishing bag goes across the other shoulder.
Touch screens and outdoor sports don't go together. I had been thinking about a new handheld GPS for hunting/fishing purposes. The Garmin Oregon series is all touch screen, I don't want any part of it.

I'm hard on equipment but I try to choose equipment that can handle it.
+1 on the pentax series. I got the Pentax optio w80 kit. It came with two batteries and you need them because that is the only negative with my camera...the battery life isn't great.
another Pentax vote...great little camera, been using a W90 for a year or so now. Usually ranked in the top tier of the shootout reviews.

I had a Pentax WG until I dropped it in a very deep pond in the adirondacks last year (lesson learned = waterproof camera's sink (fast)). Camera was nice, but I was never happy with the quality of the images that I got [mind you, I'm a Nikon dSLR guy].

ended up researching some more and picked up a Panasonic DMC-TS3. This camera is leaps and bounds ahead of the Pentax imo. only thing that Pentax had over the panasonic was that it was a bit smaller. everything else I would favor the panasonic. image quality is fantastic. full HD video. good, intuitive menus. etc., etc. Oh, and I bought a floating strap for it! I would recommend this camera to anyone looking for a waterproof camera that wants outstanding image quality...