pcray1231 wrote:
hmm, either I missed something, I'm just naive and didn't notice anything, or else I'm part of the problem. Cause I didn't notice any problems recently.

Mostly over on the fly tying forum, with a certain member who happens to be a "fly tying supplier" as the primary source of grievances...it's gotten to the point that I've pretty much stopped browsing that forum as it's become basically a constant flame war...
Life is to short everyone stop crying and go fish
I think the only moderator that was on the old message board is Jack, this place is quite civil, unless I'm a naive 60 something that is very obtuse.
What am I missing?
I have been on this site now for only 2 yrs or so but being new to fly fisihing and also fly tying I have gotten lots of information on here that was so helpful in the beginning and kept me interested enough to keep going when I got frustrated at learning to cast or how to mend line or whatever. The fly tying site has been very beneficial to me as a new tyer. When starting out the best resource is a place to get as much info as you can from experienced fly fisherman. I want to thank all the mods and the ppl on here that have given some great advice to newbies like myself in this sport. I have fished all my life with ultalight spinning equiptment but can honestly say I am getiing much more enjoyment from fly fishing although I sometimes know I could catch more fish with my old way of fishing I will never go back. I just want to say thanks for this site and all the work that the volunteers do to keep this up and running.
You brought up an important point that I want to emphasize: the value of the board is due, in large part, to the participants. While the mods may spend time housekeeping, those who offer advice, share secrets, and befriend those less experienced deserve as much credit as anyone. This is sorta the point of afish's warning.

Let's all try to make the board welcoming to new anglers and new participants who may be experienced angler or tyers. Patience with personalities that grate on you will also be beneficial.

Also, Chaz, I think Maurice and Padraic were original mods. I was brought on after I settled down myself and attended a Jamboree or two. I believe when the "new board" was created and shifted, Dave, Maurice and Padraic had moderator privileges and I was added in a little later. As Padraic visited less and less the need for additional help arose and afishinado and Fishidiot were recruited.
pcray1231 wrote:
hmm, either I missed something, I'm just naive and didn't notice anything, or else I'm part of the problem. Cause I didn't notice any problems recently.

Pretty much my thoughts on it too. There must be some kinda fight go'n on somewhere that only certain ones know about. I didn't do it and you can't prove it, less you got pictures......
I think you are missing Jacks point.
they are doing a good job-Things disappear, but they don't want to have to monitor us too closely.lol
JackM wrote:
You brought up an important point that I want to emphasize: the value of the board is due, in large part, to the participants. While the mods may spend time housekeeping, those who offer advice, share secrets, and befriend those less experienced deserve as much credit as anyone. This is sorta the point of afish's warning.

Let's all try to make the board welcoming to new anglers and new participants who may be experienced angler or tyers. Patience with personalities that grate on you will also be beneficial.

Also, Chaz, I think Maurice and Padraic were original mods. I was brought on after I settled down myself and attended a Jamboree or two. I believe when the "new board" was created and shifted, Dave, Maurice and Padraic had moderator privileges and I was added in a little later. As Padraic visited less and less the need for additional help arose and afishinado and Fishidiot were recruited.

I think he meant Jack Steele "was the moderator" on the original board. When things got kooky, Jack Steele would chime in and it would settle down. He had no priviliges toward site management. Just respect.

To all who are confused by this announcement. If you don't recognize it you are not part of the problem. Disregard it.

If you are, heed it or you won't be long for this world.

I will speak for myself and say Moderation of this site is a Joy for me as I am sure the others will agree, most of the time. There are quite a few "edgy" posters who have come to be welcome and contribute worthwhile information and advice. Our community has grown and will continue to grow. More and more users will come out from behind their "lurker status" to share their opinions and questions regarding fly fishing. These people should be welcomed as this it part of site objectives to be helpful.

It is difficult to moderate manners because it often does not fit the guidelines specifically. However, make no mistake, manners are noticed by the board community and personalities are formed and discussions had behind the scenes determining the actions to take on these cantankerous posters.

Piling on to aggressive behavior inflames more bad behavior and manners from those less likely to instigate. Some see this as a game and accelerate the drama for their amusement. Some act in packs and can be quite intimidating to the new user. That is counter to the site goals. These scenarios are what take up most of our time.

If it does not concern you that you are in this group you have no respect for this community and do not belong here. Regardless of your contributions. For the burden outweighs the benefit. There are plenty of polite posters who have plenty to contribute. We can survive without you should you be the exception to the site goals.

Until now we've casually wrestled with this "moderation of manners" but it has become increasingly more time consuming. So when that occurs it becomes a priority to reduce the burden from those charged with the responsibility.

There are plenty of websites dedicated to flyfishing that seem to embrace bad behavior or fail to moderate it, this is not one of them.

I believe this is the crux of the OP topic.

Over time as the site has grown through the pressure of community. New forums have germinated from pressure in other forums, (OT, WW, then WW & SaltW, Swap, Pro Stream Reports, etc) Even topics have been generated to appease certain posters who cannot seem to contain their "tweets" posts within other threads This "work" we are eager to deal with because it involves growth and improvement.

Polluting and derailing threads with rude and veiled insults will never be accepted behavior.

Ask yourself before hitting the post button if you are being polite or rude. You will soon be convinced which side of the manners debate you reside on.

Thanks for the complimentary comments of Moderators and enjoy the board for its intended use.

I don't mind good, old fashioned fights once in a while. I do mind a 4 page thread that is 3 pages worth of posts that serve no other purpose than to cultivate exaggerated on-line personas. Right now, this seems to be the problem. Flame wars are just the excuse to do this.
Thanks to the Mods for runnunig a great board. I've always felt that your self respect should guide your comments. GG
For one who is barely computer literate, I spend some time here. I appreciate this board, though I do occasionally find myself involved in contentious discussions about some things about which I feel strongly. But, if you haven't noticed, I've been trying really hard to be a kinder, gentler rrt. I honestly do appreciate much of what occurs on the forums here.
I belong to an Amateur radio forum and the big thing there is to "IB4TL" In Before The Lock. There is kinda a point system/pool if you forecast the lock correctly! It is a pretty well moderated site but this one is much, much better. Most of the mods over there have no sense of humor whatsoever. And to talk politics.... Your toast, The thread is locked and your cuffed and stuffed. Wish the mods here were on there also! Good job guys. As always, well played.....

I think the mods do a great job here, once in awhile things get out of hand, but it is soon taking care of and deleted. I read a post the other day that imo, was way out of line. I haven't seen it again, so it was taking care of fast.

Great job posters and mods!

I agree the Mods on here do a great job. Lots of good info here for beginner and experienced flyfishers. Keep up the good work fellas! :)
The mods do a wonderful job on here. I enjoy this site very much

I also want to say...

My apologies to all who have wasted there time reading my defensive comments to the endless wave of b.s. i get. It seems to be a trend where ever i go.... I should know better to just let the comments go.

I know there are several people on here who dont like me. I would like to say i love all of you and god bless. Everybody needs haters!

But for the sake of the forum and the readers i will not reply to any slander of any kind. I ask you haters if you be kind to the rest of the members of this community and not bother me with your banter.

rrt wrote:
For one who is barely computer literate, I spend some time here. I appreciate this board, though I do occasionally find myself involved in contentious discussions about some things about which I feel strongly. But, if you haven't noticed, I've been trying really hard to be a kinder, gentler rrt. I honestly do appreciate much of what occurs on the forums here.

Rich, if you ever got a warning, it must have been a very long time ago and a result of peeing in a moderators Wheaties. You have been here for a LONG time and I think you are respected here a lot more than you think.

Now don't get a big head over that and go all crazy on us. :lol:

P.S. I wasn't going to comment on this thread because it was already a couple days old, but since Utah bumped it, I decided to respond.

And I also missed the excitement.

And I feel that the moderators do a great job... cept for Jack ... and occasionally Mo... and ...

I'm joking. Hell, I wouldn't want the job.
