

Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Creeping and jabbing is really bad when fly casting, just as lately the creeps that jab on this site are really getting annoying and distracting. The Mod module is lighting up with all kinds of communication back and forth, SO BEWARE...soon we may have a few less members.

Remember, we (the Mods) are volunteers, and the last thing we want to do is to waste our time being referees or nursemaids to some of you jokers. Our time and patience has just about run out..so one last fair warning.....BEHAVE or BE GONE!
Thank you afish.
I used to admin a forum with over 100K members so I feel your pain. You guys have to deal with a lot. I appreciate you guys keeping this place running smooth.
Thanks for the oversight, you guys have a lot to handle. Much appreciated!
I've felt your pain. Don't become disillusioned or overreact to trolls. IMHO Paflyfish is one of the best run fly fishing forums on the 'net. Keep up the good work.
stupid question I'm sure, but what does creeping and jabbing mean in reference to forums? Thanks
Thanks for all your time and attention to keep these boards running.
Stimey wrote:
stupid question I'm sure, but what does creeping and jabbing mean in reference to forums? Thanks

It's just a reference to poor behavior.

I'll add that, for the overwhelming majority of our board membership, this warning doesn't apply. We value your contributions and encourage your continued participation. This should go without saying. However, as is the case with any internet message board, we do from time to time need to contend with posters who are not acting in the best interest of our forum and community. These posts tend to come in flurries and involve the same individuals (many of whom are regular posters and should know better). Our patience can wear thin. I had to send out a bunch of PMs last night and I'd rather focus on better things.
The next time you're frustrated at someone's post that you think is stupid or insulting.....ask yourself if responding is really worth it. Opinions are encouraged....but sometimes, it's better to ignore stupid posts.
Furthermore, I'd also add for a few of you: think about your avatar. We generally don't moderate for taste but many of your avatars are in poor taste. What impression do you seek to make? Did it occur to you that your avatar might seem funny to you but to the rest of the board community it's simply testament to your immaturity or lack of respect for fellow posters? Give it some thought. Maybe it's time for some changes.
Dave W
I think the other thing that happens is, if someone is acting like a troll or there's a battle going on between posters, some of us kind of egg it on a bit just for gits and shiggles. Unfortunately, the battle goes beyond anything any of us want and it just gets down right ugly. Yeah I can speak for myself on that one. It was funny to a point, but then it just got down right ugly. Glad the mods are taking action.
We want to see the community "police itself" and try to be patient, but as noted, it begins to wear thin. The moderators are here to enjoy the board too and when we have to respond to abberant behavior, it detracts from our enjoyment and wastes time. All-in-all we could be a lot worse, but sometimes the envelope is pushed and we need to ask everyone for restraint. By all means, don't be boring, but consider carefully before intentionally fanning flames.
Man am I glad I've been busy the last couple months. Nice to not be the problem for once. LOL.
hmm, either I missed something, I'm just naive and didn't notice anything, or else I'm part of the problem. Cause I didn't notice any problems recently.
DKILE{and the mods] requested quite nicely that we follow the well posted forum rules.
OT does have its vent spot.come on down and have fun.
pcray1231 wrote:
hmm, either I missed something, I'm just naive and didn't notice anything, or else I'm part of the problem. Cause I didn't notice any problems recently.

That's how good we are. You're welcome.
My thanks and gratitude to Dave Kile and the moderators. I get a lot from this community and I appreciate you all doing the dirty work to keep things civil.

Lets all play nice!

I missed it too, so overall I think things have been going pretty well.

My advice: As soon as you notice a problem, send them a PM right way. Nip things in the bud.

Protect the quality of your website. It takes time and money to create such a website. Don't let anyone degrade it.
what are the site's policies on promoting a blog/website/guide service/company?

links in sigs ok?
specfic threads with the sole purpose of promotion ok?
threads promoting your blog/website ok?
Well, you have outed yourself, idinit?

Here is what is written:

Paflyfish permits the use of signature lines for personal use with statements or personal links that follow the existing site policies. Business and other organizational links are considered advertising and not permitted. An individual with a business association can provide a signature line stating that organizational affiliation, but not promoting or linking to that organization.

Advertisements of any kind, for any reason, for any product or service are not permitted on the site without permission. We do offer advertising options on the site and please contact us at info@paflyfish.com for more details. It is a great way to reach thousands of anglers in the region.

Keep in mind, however, that everyone is here at the pleasure and discretion of the board owner. Attempts to skirt this guideline, parse words or exploit loopholes will not likely be looked on kindly. If you are one of the subtle advertisers, why not contact Dave and pay for an ad now and then? Just a thought.
I watched this board and others for about a year and I signed on as this one seemed to be the most civil and fits what I like to do..
Thanks moderaters for your hard work. I had noticed some border line posts and jabs here and there. Thanks for being watchful.