Warm Water Insurgents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think we have a convert



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That fish was great and my first with a fly rod. I tossed my pattern on top of a very large boulder in the middle of the river. Right when it landed on top, that big boy came charging up to the rock. I twitched it off and it grabbed it in mid air falling to the water. The take was the best part of that nice fish. The rest of the day consisted of watching fish chase the patterns, but never grab them. I changed the kind of retrieves and used streamers with stinger hooks.for the nipping fish. Did not land another smallies in the day. Couple rock bass, crappie, and blue gills were picked up. I floated from Bowmanstown to Walnutport and was kinda surprised we did not see more fish. Good time on the maiden voayage of my buddies two man Outcast. Think we are doing it again tomorrow on the Skuke.
Nice fish Becker. It's actually pretty common for river SMBs in summer to see your fly while it's still airborne and intercept it just as it hits the surface or sometimes even before. It's like throwing a frisbee to a dog. 🙂
SBecker wrote:
Think we are doing it again tomorrow on the Skuke.

Let us know how you do.

The skuke is growing on me. I did some exploring this morning too; but I was kinda short on time and I only wound up w/ a little rock bass.

Lots of good wading spots + casting room though, which have been tough to find (where I've been looking) lately. Definitely heading back soon.
jay348 wrote:
SBecker wrote:
Think we are doing it again tomorrow on the Skuke.

Let us know how you do.

The skuke is growing on me. I did some exploring this morning too; but I was kinda short on time and I only wound up w/ a little rock bass.

Lots of good wading spots + casting room though, which have been tough to find (where I've been looking) lately. Definitely heading back soon.

Wash it off....quick! ;-)

The Skuke has not been very kind to me the last few years with SMBs. There are many miles of unproductive water. Try to fish the best water you can find with decent flow, water quality, temp, depth, rocks/structure. When you find such a place, PM me.;-). Good luck.
A couple of my friends from a certain fly shop in your area and Reading have been floating the Skuke for bass pretty often. They have been having lots of luck. Nothing as big as the one I caught on the Lehigh, but lots of numbers.
SBecker wrote:
A couple of my friends from a certain fly shop in your area and Reading have been floating the Skuke for bass pretty often. They have been having lots of luck. Nothing as big as the one I caught on the Lehigh, but lots of numbers.

Nice, I think i know those guys as well. If you continue the trips, let me know if you guys ever have room for an extra! I've been meaning to hit the lehigh too...I'll let you know next time I'm fishing up that way.

afishinado wrote:
The best SMB fishing on the Skuke seems to be from Reading and upstream. Give it a try.

Thats where I was this morning...furthest north I've been in a while. I did like how the water looked. PM coming your way...
I've got my private lake trip this Saturday. Pretty pumped about it. Typically catch about 8-10/hr. 12-14" bass and MASSIVE bluegill. Nello is joining me this year.
Hey ryguyfi if you and Nello go for a bite to eat before,during or after do yourself a favor and don't offer to pay unless you got an extra $100 laying around.lol. That boy can EAT !!! :-o
They were crushing poppers the other day.


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Me too me too!

Was out in my new yak Saturday and Sunday mornings, fishing for LMBs for the first time. Just having the whole lake to myself at dawn was amazing in and of itself. On Saturday I landed a couple little guys, then got out of there before it got uncomfortably hot. I was on the water by 5am Sunday and it started out a bit cloudy, which probably helped things. I missed a few, lost a nice one, and finally brought this one to hand. I am now a bass fisherman, and will be making up for lost time for the rest of the summer. 🙂

Packing peanut popper for me tonight! Good time with some friends on the Lehigh.
delta_dog wrote:
Hey ryguyfi if you and Nello go for a bite to eat before,during or after do yourself a favor and don't offer to pay unless you got an extra $100 laying around.lol. That boy can EAT !!! :-o

He also sounds like a fright train while sleeping.

He's a good asset to have while steelheading. People for some reason start running when they see him coming! Free's up the good spots.
Yea you do not mess with Nello. Rabid dog when he is eating. Tell ya what....you put Delta, Nello, and me on a Steelhead trib together, I am pretty sure we could take over any hole.
Must say, I have had a blast with the smallies. The topwater poppers on the Lehigh yesterday evening kinda made me much more likely to chase smb in the summer, then constantly fish my local tailwater a couple times a week. The dryfly trout snob in me comes out with the poppers. I am fishing sulphurs tonight though, can't let those trout think they are safe!
ryguyfi wrote:
I've got my private lake trip this Saturday. Pretty pumped about it. Typically catch about 8-10/hr. 12-14" bass and MASSIVE bluegill. Nello is joining me this year.

Event just got cancelled due to very low water in the lake.... very disappointing.