Warm water fly fishermen who just don't care


Jun 11, 2019
Stopped at one of our larger trout streams yesterday and saw two knucklehead flyfishermen ( vehicle with expensive rod tube holder on roof, all decked out etc.) ( So one would assume they might be educated about NOT fishing in warm water) . I mentioned that water was too warm for trout and they ignored me. Went and got thermometer from car and tried to show them. 75 degrees. They walked away without a word. So good to be a part of a unified fraternity of conservation minded fishermen! Before I get a huge raft of garbage....The water we are talking about is not a warmwater fishery. Trout only.
Dear larkmark,

I've been trying on other venues to discourage trout fishing in these warm low water conditions and I must say that by and large most people are receptive to the idea of giving the trout a break.

I'll keep trying too.


Tim Murphy 🙂
As regular readers of many of my posts know, I pay $ to fly fish, but I also pay a lot of attention to the USGS gauge, and particularly to the water temperature.

I leave the trout alone at temperatures > 70 degrees. So does every one else at the club.

I would rather loose a trout from predators than dying in water too warm. The water temperatures will soon start to cool, and I won't be able to watch Penn State football on Saturdays.
Be glad you were able to chat with these men. You did well. Don’t need to be angry. Just do exactly what you did . We have a responsibility to mentor. Not demand, not denegrate but mentor. It takes many forms. I bet these knuckleheads wend home laughing about the crazy guy that confronted them but once home look it upon the computer and found you correct. “Saying something” is a responsibility not an option. I know I brought this up before and had many disagree. But many of the sportsmen out there won’t hear it anywhere else. We’re it!
What type of America do you want to live in? I say you did well . Good Job.

Now can you do something g about all the Townies that night fish for Catfish on the Delaware and leave there drink bottles and bait containers behind?
Unfortunately, when we show up unsolicited and decide to take someone else's inventory, the results are often less than what we might hope for.

Sometimes, lessons are best learned when we are allowed to learn them for ourselves and not made to feel we are being "corrected" by someone else.

I'm not disputing your good intentions. Just pointing out how people often react, regardless.
The season is open. Fishing for trout in PA is legal.

If fishing in these water temperatures was going to decimate the trout population the PROFESSIONAL TROUT BIOLOGISTS working for the fish commission would shut it down.

You don't want to fish, don't fish. Otherwise, MYOB, or you might earn yourself a punch in the nose for harassing people engaging in a LAWFUL activity.

Your issue seems to be with the fish commission, not individual fishermen if you want the season closed.

A lot of deer get killed on the highways in PA, espically around the rut. Do you advocate not driving on highways to save the deer?

UncleShorty wrote:
The season is open. Fishing for trout in PA is legal.

If fishing in these water temperatures was going to decimate the trout population the PROFESSIONAL TROUT BIOLOGISTS working for the fish commission would shut it down.

You don't want to fish, don't fish. Otherwise, MYOB, or you might earn yourself a punch in the nose for harassing people engaging in a LAWFUL activity.

Your issue seems to be with the fish commission, not individual fishermen if you want the season closed.

A lot of deer get killed on the highways in PA, espically around the rut. Do you advocate not driving on highways to save the deer?

I'm sorry but this is an extremely selfish and irresponsible way to think. Just because it is legal doesn't mean you should do it, the question here is ethics for the survival of a game fish we all love. Sure it won't decimate them but it will over stress them and we will lose fish inevitably. Do you want less fish in the rivers this fall? Do you want less fish reproducing overall? Give them a break tie flies in the AC or try your hand at bass. Maybe go out West and fish there or find yourself a nice tailwater.

Also your example with the deer on the highways is null and void, you know that's physically impossible.
If its a stocked stream, you can catch the fish or just let them die. What's the difference. If it holds wild fish. I'd leave it alone.
I would hazard a guess that if the water was 75 degrees that the trout (a) would be unlikely to bite or (b) may have migrated to colder water in tribs or spring holes (what some posters on here refer to as "thermal refuges"). The guys fishing in the 75-degree water might not hurt anything because the fish might not bite if they are there or they might just not be there to bite.

I agree that if the water is 75 degrees and the trout cannot escape to colder places, then they should be left alone.

Interesting to me about this idea comes from the past: It seems that in James Bashline's book, "Night Fishing for Trout," that he and his friends fished a wonderful refuge-type pool at night for trout that came upriver and congregated there. Sadly, sometime back the powers that be made the Goodsell Pool in Coudersport into a concrete ditch in the name of flood control. Also, the old night fishermen around here sought spring holes for their summertime night fishing, where they landed nice numbers of trout that congregated there. At the time it was considered smart, not unsporting, to fish these places during hot weather. Even joe humphreys in his book posts drawings showing how cold water tribs make for nice fishing when the warmer water they flow into is quite warm.

Anyhow, for today's trout fishermen, Larkmark's theme in Post #1 seems to be right on target.

(Lark -- You must be tougher than I am. At 70 I am unlikely to make suggestions to two knuckleheads! 🙂 )
"... you know that's physically impossible."

As is stopping LEGAL fishing when a season is open.

I don't fish for warm water trout. Never have, never will.

But harassing people engaged in LEGAL hunting or fishing activities is against the law in PA. Is it ethical to bend or break that law to express your displeasure with people pursuing a LEGAL outdoor activity?

The problem is with the fish commission. And they are the ONLY people who can LEGALLY stop this practice.

I don't like 75 degree trout fishing either. But anglers need to direct their ire at the commission where it might do some good. Otherwise we're tilting at windmills... which accomplishes nothing...
Dear Uncle Shorty,

Other States have closed trout fishing during dire weather conditions. Montana does it routinely by river basin, so it's far from impossible.


Tim Murphy 🙂
The fish and boat commission is not expected to pick and choose certain streams to temporarily shut down to trout fishing throughout the state. There are no laws to guard against stupidity and arrogance of some people.

Unfortunately we have to rely on common sense and the common decency of sportsmen. It's up to responsible anglers to not fish for trout when they are struggling to survive because of high temps and low water.

If your going to harvest some stockies for supper go for it. I never cared for stock Trout for dinner but I'm not out of work or hungry like some folks in Pa.
Remember a few years back when the PFBC wouldn't close Penns because the trout were stacked up in thermal refuges? It took the DCNR to do it because it was on SF land.
Re: Warm water fly fishermen who just don't care

Remember a few years back when the PFBC wouldn't close Penns because the trout were stacked up in thermal refuges? It took the DCNR to do it because it was on SF land.

Yes I remember as I was working up in Hummel’s Wharf at the time and they closed it from late July thru Aug, I just can't remember what year it was.
The stream I fished yesterday was 62 degrees is that to say I should not fish that?
I agree to not warm water fish for trout but if there is a spot you can find with temps below 64 degree temps go for it.

To larkmark, what was the purpose of stopping at your stream yesterday if you knew the temps were 75? What was there for you? wouldnt you or couldnt just fish at a cooler stream? Im not sure what region you are in.

So were the guys fishing or not rod tube holders on the roof does not mean there were fishing they could of been scouting land, stream flow, hatches, did you do a harvest search?

By the way I saw a gentlemen harvest stocket trout that he caught for bait for catfishing I dont condone it but it happens.

Respect was lost as soon as you identified these fly fishermen as "Knuckleheads". Why? Not good because they do not follow your rules. I see you make the rules now! Don't fish, too warm then it will be don't fish, too cold, then don't fish spawn, then don't fish only when "I say so". Too bad for you as a bad example of a sportsman!

Maxima12 would have said, if there, "Hey fellows, what you fishing for", can i walk along and watch you guys. Let me get some cold drinks and follow. "I love fishing". Hope you guys catch some! Need some leaders, how about a rum and coke, where you from, let me get my rod, you fellows need some flies!

Now, as we all know, Trout are not going crazy, not really feeding, just trying to survive and if the boys catch some, I will gut and prepare them but most likely, basket will be empty! Maxima12 will have then the chance to say, "boy the warm water", maybe at night and maybe not at all during the course of fishing. Maxima12 would never ever put these gentlemen down. Maxima12 would get a phone # and address. Maxima12 would make sure to tell all the spots, Maxima12 would make some new friends and give a little experience on conservation, a few laughs and a few handshakes.

Most of all courtesy. To my new 2 friends. What would ever give me the right to ruin the day for these fellows, i have no right to this, only right i have is to make it better!

Maxima12 lives in the hearts of fly fishermen, worldwide, no matter how or when they fish!

yes, me, Maxima12
Well I gotta tip my cap on this one. Maxi might have the best response you could hope for.
You can only hope to enlighten others and move on knowing you tried your best.

But I am curious as to what 75F stream has only trout?
PFBC Position paper on trout fishing, warm temps, congregating trout....
