Wading the Narrows/BFC



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
Can the "Narrows" section of BFC be efficiently/safely fished with just hip waders? I've only seen a very small portion of it, and that was years ago. After all of this time, I'm going to see what all of the hoopla is about. Any suggestions in regard to fishing this section?
Just be alert of where your wading and don't go over your hippers! The same could be said for any body of water. Most of the narrows under normal summer flows you could work your way around in hippers. This year if we staying in this pattern that may be tough.
I wouldn’t try it in hippers. It’s a good sized stream. Had a buddy step between two boulders and go up to his armpits there once.
In all honesty, the Narrows is overrated. BigJohn will chime in here if he sees this. Scenic yes, but less productive than other stream sections that see much less pressure. My .02 on that. As for the hippers, that would be very dicey proposition with the higher than average flows.
Although I haven't fished there in years, I think went for a swim pretty much every time I did. Wearing waders didn't keep me any drier than hippers would have.

Might as well wet wade.

Seriously, I don't think hip boots are a good idea.
It's a decent size stream. You'd be much better off with waders than hippers. You could fish it with hippers in very low flows, but not at normal flows or higher.

About the tough wading. People often call the whole special regulations section "The Narrows."

But the term "narrows" refers to where a stream cuts through a ridge. In the actual, real narrows, where it is cutting through the ridge, there are many large irregular rocks in the stream that make the wading very tough. This also makes for good habitat.

If you go either upstream or downstream from where the stream is cutting through the ridge, there are far less big rocks, so you are walking more on cobble and gravel, which makes the wading much easier.

Many people go there and catch very little and think that the fish aren't there. They are wrong about that. Under the right conditions you will see that the trout are there. But it's a tough stream. The trout often do not cooperate in our little game!

Wild_Trouter wrote:
In all honesty, the Narrows is overrated. BigJohn will chime in here if he sees this. Scenic yes, but less productive than other stream sections that see much less pressure. My .02 on that. As for the hippers, that would be very dicey proposition with the higher than average flows.

Hey now...the Narrows is definitely NOT over rated ;-) Go spend all your time in the narrows so you leave me alone! As for hip boots...I wouldn't be doing it this year. Its been on the high side the entire year so far. I've found hip boots to not be all that great when fishing any lime stone stream. Even the very small brookie lime stone streams tend to have big bolders and deep drop offs. One second you are in ankle deep or you just step off the bank and next thing you know you are up to your waist! Its deceptive how deep the streams are even if it looks like you could jump across them.
Yes, hippers is my suggestion. Waders can be little use. Problem is very hard to wade. Rocks do not cooperate. No need to get waist deep here. Placement of yourself is key. Fishing is very good, how ever matching the hatch or finding the hatch is difficult.
Seems, looking back at all the times i fished Fishing Creek in Lamar from top to bottom, August was my best month. My friends always tried to match the hatch using small flies. I totally went opposite, a size 12 would be the smallest. Big drys with large wings, using 4lb. tippet. At that, a number of big fish broke me off on the first run or heading to bottom. Was really never interested in the small fish, August had to offer. 16 to 20 inches were the target. Not many over 20. Once in a while you would run into a Leviathan. But the extreme intensity of the moment, usually the biggest came up slowly to devour the fly and in a nervous moment, tried to set the hook before the fish even bit. Well you get 1 chance, very seldom 2.

Have fun. always quite a few risers at Sieg Center. But not noted for a Monster! Found that above top hatchery, hit and miss. Mostly miss. Makes a good day trip and remember, that good day starts in Lock Haven at the Texas Restaurant. A rib sticking big breakfast with a couple great cups of coffee!

Enjoy! Enjoy!

By the way, going that far, why not all the way. Hublersburg, over the mountain to Bald Eagle Creek ,Milesburg and below. Make sure to hit 80 bridge hole. A little adventure getting there but the rewards are worth it.

Wet wade it is July - Seriously, I have fallen into that damn crick every time I have fished it. The mud there is special - never will come out of your shirt.
If you are fishing the "Narrows" section, wet wading is fine. I fished it June 29th this year and wet waded. Water was absolutely perfect and so where the fish. I caught over 20 fish that day. Sizes ranged from 6 inches to 18 inches. Nothing huge, but when you catch 20 fish from 4:00pm to 9:00pm its a good time. Started out nymphing and caught 6 fish all in the 12" 16" rain and the one 18"er. Switched to a dry fly around 7:30 after light thunderstorm (#20 BWO) and caught 14 to 16, but all in the 6" to 12" range. I recommend either chest waders or wet wading. Seems like the hippers only ever cause me problems.

Got to know fishing creek more this year then ever ALOT of good water from headwaters to mill hall.
Forget about it! Wet wade for youth, If your 40 or older, Put on the hippers. Yep, wear the waders but I will be watching you fishing from shore. Only because, I have been there! Numerous times! A secret story lies there! Maybe' a couple!

Watch out for the smoke with no fire!

I vote for wet wade for the Narrows over hippers. I am 50 and do fine. Wear your wading boots and some extra socks, yo. The first time the limestone-cold water hits the undercarriage is an acquired taste, but so is caviar.
Well, I guess, wet wade, fish from shore, waders, hippers. All good!

Most important, just get there, to any fishing spot and fish! Have been fishing just about every day, unless water is muddy! Most times, have the stream to myself. On Big Fishing Creek, see 3 cars. I figure it to be crowded! Most have packed gear in moth balls till next year!

You know the smell! I missed 2 very important Pa. happenings, by not fishing the right streams at the right time! #1Harvesting of Leeks, also known as ramps. Blueberries at Tobyhanna State Park! Was there either too early or too late! Had a taste of leeks while fishing Grey's Run. Just a taste. Always more to fishing than fishing!
