wading staff?

Being an amputee almost demands that i use a staff , i tried to go without one but i have fallen in almost every stream in western Pa. So , i bought this thing called a "Fishing Buddy" it's a bicycle seat on the end on an adjustable pole , not only a wading staff but a good way to sit and take a little break........made in Greensburg , i like it.

For many years I also used a broomstick, a couple of years ago I purchased one, never did like it.

With one bad knee and another one going bad, the wading staff is only common sense for me. Ditto the polarized glasses, so you can see where you are placing your feet.

I purchased the Hammer from Amazon and have been very happy with it. I rubbed the sections where it joins with candle wax after having some difficulty getting it apart one day.

The holster did not hold up very well and I have repaired it once. I would suggest reinforcing it with iron patches or something similar.
ski pole user x4 - check out any salvation army/thrift store and $2 will getcha a solid, straight pole with "ergonomic" grip.
2nd on the carabiner clip, same with my net, clip on, clip off