Wading for Stripers?

I have a wadeable spot where you can catch shad on a fly rod.
I have the flies.AND when it's right,20-30 shad is very doable.
I use a 7wt with floating line and have a back up sink tip if needed.

Would be happy to take two members with me.
BTW:Need a MD license
PM me if there is any interest
I have a friend who lives close by to the Dam and he lets me know when the shad move in
Sounds like we're all going to be catching stripers and shad to our heart's content! And I've even got a 'yak to borrow out of the deal. Now let's just hope a 35" striper doesn't tow my *** out to the ocean.

Let's start planning this jam!
poopdeck wrote:
35" is the small end of big stripers.

Wow, you weren't kidding. I just checked out the state record fish at 53 lb. 13 oz.!!

If anyone wants to go a little farther to the Potomac I'd be happy to point you to some spots for both these species/meet up. Due to depth of the river the big stripers are nearly impossible to reach on the fly, but the shad fishing is phenomenal.
Guys let's do this.
Let's think of an official date most can agree on.
Event thread made

Sounds awesome!