Waders or Not

I have wet wade several times in the past when it was really hot. I have not recently and do not intend to. After much thought I will stick to my waisthighs. When a did wet wade I always used my wading boots,wading socks and long nylon pants so they would dry quickly.
Except for the day I decided I thought 47 degree water on the Delaware would be refreshing (bad idea)... I wouldn't be caught dead in waders in this 90+ degree weather.
bam, It's not bad on the limestone streams in the mornings fishing Tricos. The hatch is usually done by 9am so I'm off the stream before it gets really hot. Wet wading in 47 degree water temps does not sound fun. LOL!
i have no prob with wet wadeing it your pick. There are some streams that i would not advise it. But in most just wear stable shoes and make sure to shower when you get home. I dont do much fishin in the summer unless its on the boat in the big lake. But we do a lot of water rescue training in the tribs and have never had a prob. Just be sure you have no open cuts.