
Nice. Looks cool.
Attaboy Stagger!

You'll never need to buy another vise, and your grandkids will be using it one day.

It's difficult to explain over the phone, but once you understand the concept of true rotary tying, I'm sure it'll make a huge difference in the quality of your ties.

Remember the brassies you tied for the swap? Remember how tough it was to wrap the wire hand over hand up the hook shank, without having gaps? Using the rotary function, you can hold the wire in one hand, and rotate the vise head as you wrap the wire up the shank. You see exactly where the wire is going on, so gaps aren't a problem. It's also much faster.

That's just one example of how a true rotary vise can help - there's lots more! Have trouble breaking peacock herl, or hackle? Tying rotary makes it much easier.

We should set up a newbie tying session some time. I'd be happy to show the guys with true rotary vises how to take full advantage of this feature. It's a powerful tool for your arsenal of skills....
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Want to thank u gents very much for all the advise and recs in this thread. I couldn't get to a shop so in the end & after more quick discussions with a few gents here I wanted to treat myself and didn't go over $200.


Have had work and holiday + heading out of dodge w/ family tomorrow but tied a few on Sat when it came in and just holding the hook was a big difference. Excited to work this thing in when I get back on Sunday.

You've made a good choice Andrew, congratulations. You're going to get countless hours, countless hours, of enjoyment at your bench. I remember when I got the vise I have now well over 15 yrs ago, the discoveries that are ahead of you, the conquests of techniques that you're going to have. I wish you good tying friend Andrew, good tying...
Ed, u did great trying to explain a few things over the phone. I think I got most but a few things ... not so much but that may just be the Yid in me.

HA wrote:

Attaboy Stagger!

You'll never need to buy another vise, and your grandkids will be using it one day.
Thank you & DD for getting me going on another 'hobby' to spend more ca$h on. As I told ya ... now that I have this, excluding the materials I'm always gonna need ... new rod and reel are next.

It's difficult to explain over the phone, but once you understand the concept of true rotary tying, I'm sure it'll make a huge difference in the quality of your ties.

Remember the brassies you tied for the swap? Remember how tough it was to wrap the wire hand over hand up the hook shank, without having gaps? Using the rotary function, you can hold the wire in one hand, and rotate the vise head as you wrap the wire up the shank. You see exactly where the wire is going on, so gaps aren't a problem. It's also much faster.
This makes much more sense but I just have to loosen up that one nut I was having a hard time with. I think I did everything else discussed correctly.

That's just one example of how a true rotary vise can help - there's lots more! Have trouble breaking peacock herl, or hackle? Tying rotary makes it much easier.

We should set up a newbie tying session some time. I'd be happy to show the guys with true rotary vises how to take full advantage of this feature. It's a powerful tool for your arsenal of skills....
I think a decent amt of us are from the area w/in X miles ... I'm in as long as any date works.

Thanks again for all ur help ... really awesome group up in this joint
You've made a good choice Andrew, congratulations. You're going to get countless hours, countless hours, of enjoyment at your bench. I remember when I got the vise I have now well over 15 yrs ago, the discoveries that are ahead of you, the conquests of techniques that you're going to have. I wish you good tying friend Andrew, good tying...

Phil ... hmmm I mean Jack ... thanks much for ur advice on this and other stuff. Really looking forward to working her in
wow stagger that looks like a solid vise.I have a D.H.TOMPSON three-sixty vise that I bought in the mid 80s,i have thought of getting a new one,and if these guys think that's a good vise for the money, I would be interested in where you got it.
Mic ... get me ur email address and I'll send you the ad that someone flipped to me last week ... $165 that I missed out on :-x
You are going to love it. So much more room to work around the fly and being able to rotate is great for looking over and around your ties as they progress.

Good Luck!
Congrats guy! You make the right choice. Your gonna love it.
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Mic ... get me ur email address and I'll send you the ad that someone flipped to me last week ... $165 that I missed out on :-x

Even before I started tying I admired that vise. I believe it was on sale for $165 at the Somerset show.
Can't go wrong with a Renzetti traveler. I agree with what everyone was saying about them. I have no complaints.
Congrats Stagger. Good luck with the flies you produce with it.
Stagger_Lee wrote:

Phil ... hmmm I mean Jack ... thanks much for ur advice on this and other stuff. Really looking forward to working her in

You see, if you keep that up you'll end up calling me Phil all the time! And I look forward to watching your skills progress.