Videographers on the Stream

I've seen what it does to humans. We're not talking about humans though. A 600lb-800lb bear, big diff IMO.
The stuff the cops carry is nothing compared to the bear spray. And Bears really are pretty much the same. Not a lot of difference in the way mammals function or react to pepper spray. The size of the glands and membranes that react to the spray are proportionate to the being. Bigger bear, bigger mucus membranes. he gonna feel it just like you do.

On the other hand a 40 caliber bullet is just a 40 caliber bullet. Bigger being will be less affected, impact area being equal. Assuming you can shoot and crap your pants at the same time. :LOL:

BTW, a few of the people I've spoken to who have actually had the misfortune to have to spray a bear, could not avoid taking some of that spray themselves. Wind, panic and such. So that is also something to consider.
Only really ever encountered folks filming one time, and it was walking in a large piece of public land in spring gobbler season. It was midmorning and we had moved to another spot, new mountain to walk way back in and do some walking and calling. Rounded a bend maybe 200 yards from the parking lot, and these clowns were set up smack dab in the intersection of the two biggest roads/ trails that EVERYONE uses to access this area. It was the equivalent of the town square. And they yelled at us for walking into their setup. We kept walking and left them in the dust, but not before leaving them with a gesture or two they probably had to edit out. 😁
If you've never been or seen someone who gotten a blast of pepper spray, yiu have no idea what you're talking about. You can't see, you can't breath, your sinuses and eyes swell shut. Then there is the pain. I don't do spicy.
I pepper sprayed myself once on accident. It very much sucked and I was very much temporarily disabled. It's pretty effective, and I'd consider myself "tough" compared to lots of people.
I pepper sprayed myself once on accident. It very much sucked and I was very much temporarily disabled. It's pretty effective, and I'd consider myself "tough" compared to lots of people.
extrapolate an accidental self inflicted shot out into a blast from somebody who is scared, maybe angry, and empty’s the entire can in your face, up your nose, and down your throat. I don’t want any parts of pepper spray and neither does a bear when there’s unarmed berries, fawns and garbage to be had.
I have learned more from some very gifted "Tully Regulars" who have since passed on than any genius filming pegged bead techniques
Pegged beads will catch steelhead every day - but they are illegal in PA but legal in NY & OH
I seek out streams that give me a very high probability of not seeing anyone else, let alone a videographer. One notable exception is I was in deep fishing a remote stream just after sunrise. I was working upstream and walking down toward me was a guy that turned out to be a professional nature photographer up from North Carolina to target a few sets of falls on the stream above us.

Not the social media type - more like the $5K of camera gear neatly packed away in a waterproof backpack type. We chatted streamside for about 45 minutes before we parted company. He showed me some of his work that was truly amazing.

I was initially surprised to see him essentially walking out so early in the morning which prompted an informative discussion about photography lighing and why late morning and beyond is usually too bright for the best photo effects when flowing water is your subject. He gave me a couple of things to think about and was gracious with some of his pro info. As a self-proclaimed novice nature photographer, I appreciated it and would welcome those types of run-ins any day.