Videographers on the Stream

I have! I never have enough time to fish and i always think man if i filmed it would take 17 times longer! To each their own and no hate towards anyone who is enjoying themselves, but that just aint my idea of a fun day. I am more of the mind to forget about life when out on the water, its a great and necessary escape for me!!

I don't even take still pictures of fish any more because of the hassle and a bunch of other reasons...

A few years ago my wife bought me a GoPro for fishing & other stuff. I go to a not-so-local reservoir a couple of times a year with a buddy to spend the day panfishing. I have a special mount on the boat for my GoPro and the last 4 times we went I forgot to turn the thing on, even ONCE.

I'm headed back in June and this time I just leaving it home... ;)
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I like "tour-holes" better... ;)
Some people are tourons and others are tour-holes. There is a difference. The worst of the worst is a touron tour-hole. If you want to see plenty of each type in action, practically every day, consider joining the Facebook group:

if you’re not able to see this, the link is to a Facebook group called ”Yellowstone National Park - Invasion of the Idiots”

Here’s an example of 3 tourons that was just posted there earlier this week. Those people might not be tour-holes, but could easily be called tourans. (incidentally, that was at Glacier Park.)

IMG 3749
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A few years ago, I ran into a couple of the Lively Legz guys on a fairly remote wild Trout stream on a relatively warm, but rainy day in February. The stream is reasonably well known by the small stream crowd, but, it’s still not the type of place you figure to run into anyone, nonetheless, on a rainy day in Winter.

Stopped and talked to them. Every bit as nice as they seem in the videos. Chatted a bit and landed on a plan to divide up the water so we wouldn’t be stepping on each other’s toes. They’d fish up to a certain landmark, and my buddy and I would hike up to that landmark (on a trail away from the stream) and not start fishing until we were above it. We had a lights out (for Winter) day. I assume they probably did too, though their vehicle was gone when we got back. I don’t think they were filming that day, just fishing, but either way, they were just really nice guys. Not jerks at all. And their videos are all, at least in part, advertising for the online store outfit. Imagine the blasphemy!

Some of you guys need to lighten up and focus on enjoying your own time on the water. I will never understand how much what OTHER people do to enjoy their fishing time bothers FFers.
I've run into Iron Mike from Lively Legz a few times on the stream, always fishing not filming. Great guy, very down to earth.
With so many people being the stars of their own YouTube shows, how many of you have come across videographers documenting how they are living their best life, and how you can too by following their lead.?

I've seen a couple but not on trout streams. The ones I've seen where on kayaks and boats on Lake Nockamixon bass fishing.
I don't even take still pictures of fish any more because of the hassle and a bunch of other reasons...

A few years ago my wife bought me a GoPro for fishing & other stuff. I go to a not-so-local reservoir a couple of times a year with a buddy to spend the day panfishing. I have a special mount on the boat for my GoPro and the last 4 times we went I forgot to turn the thing on, even ONCE.

I'm headed back in June and this time I just leaving it home... ;)
Well, why do so many people take pictures of every average fish they catch, anyways? I can't really comprehend that. I know a few people that snap a picture of EVERY fish that they land. I am guilty of taking pictures of relatively average fish, but certainly not all of them. I don't even know why I do it.
I am guilty of taking pictures of relatively average fish, but certainly not all of them. I don't even know why I do it.
I take pics of the more notable trout I catch. Usually, one with a real nice spot pattern, extra vivid coloring, or just a good size fish. I do it because I enjoy looking at them and sometimes share them.
Well, why do so many people take pictures of every average fish they catch, anyways? I can't really comprehend that. I know a few people that snap a picture of EVERY fish that they land. I am guilty of taking pictures of relatively average fish, but certainly not all of them. I don't even know why I do it.

At least WHEN I took pictures of fish, it was only of the hogs I caught...

...Like this one:

Giant Trout

But I ain't tellin' you WHERE I caught it... ;)
I never encountered it, thank goodness because I DO NOT take kindly to someone putting their pleasure over mine when I am fishing....

I don't want to go through all the things I have done in retaliation but shoving people in creeks & throwing rocks where they are fishing are a few of the less confrontational....
Maybe you should create a guide to assault-level fishing faux-pas for the younger generation that may be unaware of the risks.
With so many people being the stars of their own YouTube shows, how many of you have come across videographers documenting how they are living their best life, and how you can too by following their lead.?
I thought about it, doing it myself, but I decided I don't really like managing a camera on my head whilst fishing...
I have! I never have enough time to fish and i always think man if i filmed it would take 17 times longer! To each their own and no hate towards anyone who is enjoying themselves, but that just aint my idea of a fun day. I am more of the mind to forget about life when out on the water, its a great and necessary escape for me!!

If you fish with me this year, be prepared to man the camera. Maybe I'll post, maybe I won't but have several going back 12-15 years. Looking back on them can really dig up some special memories. Wait until you start losing buddies you've fished with or you're not able to get around like you used to. Bet you wish you had some footage or pictures 😉.

My dad didn't hunt or fish. He'd get up at 4:30 am on a Saturday and drive me to spring creek or wherever. My guess is that he did it more to get away from my mom than to see me passionate about a hobby 🤣. Without warning, he announced last week that he's moving back from Myrtle Beach at 85 yrs old. Don't know if he has a week or 15 years left in him but I can promise he'll do a Susky float (or 5) with me this summer....and.... I'll be videoing / taking pics. Some day, I'll watch that video and it will bring a tear to my eye.

If I post and it makes someone else remember a special person or wonderful moment in their own life, that's awesome. If you don't like me filming, too bad, I live in America.
If you fish with me this year, be prepared to man the camera. Maybe I'll post, maybe I won't but have several going back 12-15 years. Looking back on them can really dig up some special memories. Wait until you start losing buddies you've fished with or you're not able to get around like you used to. Bet you wish you had some footage or pictures 😉.

My dad didn't hunt or fish. He'd get up at 4:30 am on a Saturday and drive me to spring creek or wherever. My guess is that he did it more to get away from my mom than to see me passionate about a hobby 🤣. Without warning, he announced last week that he's moving back from Myrtle Beach at 85 yrs old. Don't know if he has a week or 15 years left in him but I can promise he'll do a Susky float (or 5) with me this summer....and.... I'll be videoing / taking pics. Some day, I'll watch that video and it will bring a tear to my eye.

If I post and it makes someone else remember a special person or wonderful moment in their own life, that's awesome. If you don't like me filming, too bad, I live in America.

I like taking pictures and videos of friends, fish we catch, in the boat, all that, love it. I agree with what you said last year we should be taking MORE pics and videos of our adventures than we do. My flaw is i need to get better at organizing the stuff i take!!

I didnt know your Dad fished! We gotta have Dads day on the Susky this summer i'll come out with the boat and the old man, will be fun!!
I have never seen anyone filming themselves on a stream, and I hope that I never do.

To each their own, however. I am pretty anti-social media. I share very, very little....except of PAFF, if this counts as social media...
depending on the topic of the thread, it can become anti-social media LOL
I still can’t believe people watch videos of others trout fishing but if you want to go down to the creek and videotape yourself, have at it. You’re also welcome to skip rocks, build rock piles, catch frogs or fish bait. As far as the living your best life crowd, have at it, just don’t demand others pay your student loans, health insurance or your kids education while your out having fun.
If you don't like me filming, too bad, I live in America.
Yep, its my understanding that taking pictures and filming in public falls under our 1st Amendment Rights and has been settled by the Supreme Court.
Well, why do so many people take pictures of every average fish they catch, anyways? I can't really comprehend that.
I don't 100% get it either. Photography is recognized as a form of art and expression. I'm not any artsy type feller so I won't get it and that's fine. Maybe those pics of average fish would be comparable to doodles a sketch artist would later.throw away? Could be more to it but not having an artsy mind I wouldn't know.
If people want to video or take a pic of every single fish they catch who cares. If they aren't bothering me physically or verbally I just mind my own business and do my own thing.
Maybe they are filming for when they are gone and want a memento for their offspring. Maybe an old relative is infirmed and can no longer come to the stream - they are providing entertainment and memories for them. Maybe they want to make money off social media - I don't care as long as they aren't infringing on my freedoms.

Why get your tit in a wringer over something like this? There are far more important things in life to spend energy and time on.