Valley Creek Sewer Break

pcray lets not muddy up the conversation with fact. its a lot more fun to just spout off ophrah sound bites about foreign aid and corporate welfare. lets leave off the part about infrastructure money being diverted so people can stay out of work and the all the money that goes to pay for peoples poor decisions. Lets also leave out the global warming/green energy fraud that is diverting trillions away from something that has a true impact on the environment, like infrastructure.

Maybe we can just ask everybody upstream of the break to stop using the toilet and not shower.
Here is a list of richest countries in the world from Forbes based on GDP. US is ranked 7th.
Surf Cowboy I will disagree with you. I was also going to say we are the most arrogant as well - however I believe the french have us beat at that.

What I do see is that we as Americans take to many things for granted. One of them is our Infrastructure. Another is that Wealth means everything - we put to much emphisis on something that is here today and gone tomorrow. We seam to take to many steps backwards in being a social being as we climbed to be the most technical/medically/financially/etc. advanced society.

Thanks Bosshog for the link
Bosshog wrote:
Here is a list of richest countries in the world from Forbes based on GDP. US is ranked 7th.
One problem, it's based on per capitia income. Nearly all those countries are small in population and size. The USA has the largest population of ANY country on the list. By total wealth we are the richest country on the list without a doubt. Come on how many people live in Norway,Switzerland, Austria etc.. I would bet our population is larger than all those countries populations put together! NO WAY are any of them REALLY richer than the USA.
Nuthin_Fancy wrote:
Interesting that it took so long for a comment about the President within this thread.
Wasn't me I swear

timmyt wrote:
Its so crazy how much money we just GIVE away (either in straight foreign aid or corporate tax breaks) and get NOTHING for it.

FYI .. when it comes to a tax break the government is NOT giving anything away.

Anyhow ... privatizing parks could address much of what people are worried about when it comes to taxation, spending, etc.
The people complaining about our dilapidated infrastructure needing improvement would be the same ones calling their local news and politicians because the construction while upgrading these things would inconvenience them. I see it in my industry all the time. People complain because they're worried a train could derail and cause them harm or inconvenience. We come in and upgrade the railroad tracks and they are calling their local leaders because we are waking them in the mornings, causing dust that they feel we should have to pay for, or we disturbed their manicured yard that runs right up to the track. It's a no win situation. Everybody wants things changed, but everybody is a NIMBY.
The people complaining about our dilapidated infrastructure needing improvement would be the same ones calling their local news and politicians because the construction while upgrading these things would inconvenience them.
I'd be the one complaining about our dilapidated politicians needing improvement but it can happen because the news networks are too connected to them & don't want the inconvenience.
Timmy, the parts about infrastructure spending included a lot of assumptions, as it had to. Everyone defines infrastructure differently, and it is funded from a wide variety of sources.

The part about foreign aid was not based on assumptions. The 1% of federal budget is real.

So by anyone's definition of infrastructure, we still spend far more on it than foreign aid. Those assumptions are going to be the difference between 10x as much or 100x as much.
Stagger_Lee wrote:
FYI .. when it comes to a tax break the government is NOT giving anything away.

Shut up Stags. When the government lets us keep what we make and earn, it should be seen as a benevolent act of charity!
Wildlife, you're right. But we're also much larger in area. If talking about average income, GDP per capita is the appropriate measure. If talking about infrastructure spending power, its not per capita, but area and population density have to be included.

I've been to Switzerland and have no doubt that they are richer than us.
When it comes to infrastructure we all use it. And all pay for it. Unfortunately corporations, who actually use it more and benefit from it more, pay far less in taxes (%) than the rest of us. The real tax rate many of them pay is far less than they should. (They have ways of sheltering money "offshore" etc. that the rest of us don't.) If we don't have the $ to pay for services look no farther than rich corporations and individuals.
For what it is worth I had a half day at work yesterday and tried to fish the stream. The water looked fine below the covered bridge but the park service had signs posted that read something to the effect that because of the sewer leak there was high bacteria count and that they recommend no contact with the stream.

I had hoped that the only damage would have been below route 23 but I guess that wasn't the case.

I almost fished anyway but decided against it - especially since I usually put the leader in my mouth when knotting new flies etc.

Does anyone know how long this situation will last?
Thanks for the report Andrew and welcome to the forum. I think it will take many months to fix the problem and bring down the bacteria count.
i hope todays downpours and constant rain this evening were a big
''flush'' to the Valley Creek toilet water section. Seriously though, I think the large amount of rain should be beneficial in cleaning the bottom and the stream banks that were still covered in sh&t .
pcray1231 wrote:
We also have the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world, and it's a long way to #3.

Yes, there are then a bunch of tax deductions, or "loopholes" if you like that term better, that make it so corporations typically pay far less than the actual rate. But if you use "effective tax rate", i.e. what is actually paid in the end, we go from being highest to middle of the pack in the western world. Not lowest. Eastern Europe is generally lowest. Germany Austria, and Poland are the 3 lowest. Australia, U.K., and France are the 3 highest.

FWIW, I do support gettting rid of many of the deductions, and in turn lowering the corporate tax rate. i.e. keeping about the same overall effective rate, but evening it up across industries. It would give the government less leeway over our economy, which you can view as good or bad.

Many R's and President Obama are also in support of this but nobody has pushed it, mostly because of lobbying. The most powerful lobbying groups are the ones benefitting the most from the current set up, and those without lobbying power are the industries that are getting screwed. IMO, an adjustment would merely even the playing field and allow market forces more control over lobbying forces. It'd increase the competiveness of smaller companies while decreasing that of the giants, who currently have the most resources to lobby for, find, and exploit deductions.
That's because the state and local governments can't use any kind of restraint on spending, they always have their hands in ours and corps pockets, stealing money from us, and then wasting it. I think this post has turned to off topic.
Off topic right after you've dropped your load. We're welfare queens. We want schools, tanks, trout, roads.....for free.'s off topic.
Any updates on the shinola in the creek?