Valley Creek Restoration

Well, we disagree on what "many" means, which is the inevitable path this takes, especially since you've ADMITTED that you AGREE with my premise. 😛

Two of them were pretty hot, so it wouldn't be that bad. I wouldn't wish the rest on anyone.
of course i agree with the premise but still dont agree on the amount ;-)

and anytime a male would find me attractive it couldnt be a good thing ;-)
I never gave numbers. In fact, I professed to have never had them, and that I felt they weren't relevant.

But I think that last shining example of intelligence, tact, social acceptance, and maturity should probably end this one. I'm guessing your type probably takes pride in not having those things, so you can head back to your sand box now. Until next time... Stay classy, and good luck with the writing career. I heard wal-mart has their crayons on sale, so you should be pretty productive in the last few weeks of winter.

As a favor, I'll translate the above for ya:

wow insulting my intelligence jay classy and mature. Funny how you get insultive when people dont agree with you. Its ok to be angry jay i understand that would get to you... im not going to play that game just be sure not to act that way to those many fly anglers that restore Valley Creek just for there own enjoyment ;-)

ROFL you take yourself so serious werious
oh yeah speaking of which. troutbert....valley creek is coming up on my list of streams. im around 50 percent of the total streams im writing about. Would you guys mind if i sit in on a meeting to get some inside info on valley?
No, I'm really just having fun. You just don't know me. As for the insults- you have no idea what was serious and what wasn't in my post. If you wanted to open the pandora's box of childish low blows, I just wanted to show that I'm happy to take it in that direction. It's really no different than the trash talking that I enjoy every day at work, and I could keep going back and forth with it forever.

I'll be restoring for the sake of my own enjoyment as well.

I should also add that despite the fact that I really am just having fun, I really do think you're a bit of a douche, and probably wouldn't like you all that much in person either. I'm almost positive it's mutual, so there's no point in skirting it.

Again, that probably reads something like this:

LMFAO ;-) ;-) ROFL :lol: !!!11!one!

But I'm not fluent...
We've dissected the motives of stream conservationists in considerable detail, complete with illustration.

Now lets take a look at the motives of flyfisher(s) who go on message boards and call into question the motives of stream conservationists.

What was the purpose of that? What possible motives do we have in this case?

Think about it. A flyfisher goes onto a flyfishing message board and questions conservationists motives for volunteering to restore and conserve streams. For what purpose? What were his intentions towards conservationists?
Interesting so you go from just having fun to seriously calling me names. I did like you actually and if you remember i apologized for someones actions on here for them because i did like you. Prehaps my opinion of you was wrong. See i never went to low blows on this thread. you did. Then again i think you over estimate your affect on me. You see i could really care less thus making your low blows even more amusing. :-D
Again you read to much into anything i typed. But that feeling is starting to become mutal jay. ;-)

Prehaps those intentions are to inflame troutbert. Personally i think its a black eye to anyone that takes it seriously... and more over. If we question the motives of fellow flyfisherman where will it end. Next we will question the motives of non-fisherman to the point they no longer want to participate? just a thought.

p.s. you never answered my question 🙂
Jack explained his motives.

As for me, I never really called anyone out. I stated what I believe to be a fact, and was absolutely crucified. I took the opportunity to have a frivolous debate because it's freaking fun, there is no hockey on tonight, and because I don't feel like going to the bar.
Sal, you cracked your jokes and I cracked mine. You have been testy with your replies to me, and I've been the same for some time now. Whatever our fundamental disagreement is, it was bound to come to a head.

I'll argue with anyone on the internet. It's a joke of a form of communication, and I treat it as such. For all the value in a message board, it also provides tons of fun. Nothing more.

If we were going to do the insult thing, I was going to do it at a level that gave me the most value on my time. It's no fun if everyone's polite, and you opened that door first. A winking smiley doesn't mask your comments, bro.

Hey man, I argue with EVERYONE. It's what I do. If you'd like to continue over a beer at the jam or whatever, I'm sure we'd manage to find respect for each other.

As it stands, we wouldn't like each other. But, as is the case with everything else, we don't know each other for anything besides internet posts. Again with the vague quantifiers on my part, but I did say we "probably" wouldn't get along.
jay im not sure what posts you are reading but yes my winking and smiling is not meant to be insultive. its meant to show you im joking.

Personally jay i get along with everyone i mean except a very rare person. Prehaps you are that rare breed and i wont bother telling you what i call them ;-) See without meeting me you already assume we wouldnt get im sure your preconceived notion will make it happen. where as i think we would....

anyways ive made my own picture of colors to describe how i feel on the subject.

The yellow represents the total people in organized or disorganized conservation.

The blue is the total people that question their motives

and the white is the total people in thier own group and out of thier own group that care what the motive is.

oh yeah i forgot

I'll argue with anyone on the internet. It's a joke of a form of communication, and I treat it as such. For all the value in a message board, it also provides tons of fun. Nothing more.

Therefore I read your statement to say that this forum is a joke as well. You may view it that way, but I know plenty of people come here to learn, network and expand their fly fishing horizons. It's too bad it's "just entertainment" to you...:-?
thats just a shining example of that unparalleled class. ;-)
You're ignoring the "for all the value" statement. How convenient.
Anyone else want to put words in my mouth to create a strawman?