Valley Creek Restoration

wow guys - less time arguing, more time fishing. Time to wet a line and relax 🙂
Troutbert, since you are aware of the search abilities of the board, I challenge you to "dig up" any attack on "flyfishers involved in stream and fisheries conservation," that you claim I have "repeatedly" expressed. This is blatant manufacturing of history to suit your purpose and it and it alone is the reason the issue is ever discussed. It is not only you, but likely primarily you, that perpetuates a false impression of my feelings on this topic. Frankly, one wonders why the suggestion that some folks involved in stream improvements are feathering their own nest strikes such a nerve with you.
Some participate in conservation efforts to help to their fishing, they have a for love fishing and nature.

Some participate in conservation efforts in part to help their fishing, they have a love for fishing and nature.

Some participate in conservation efforts and don’t fish at all, but still love nature.

So what?!?……what’s the big deal?

I believe that enlisting all those who care about conservation, even those that do not fish, allows us to do more. The broader the base of people participating, the louder the voice for change, and the more people there will be to fund and participate in conservation projects. Also, when we rub elbows with non-fishers, they may learn that we are not the bloodthirsty killers the PETA crowd makes us out to be. From what I’m told, as long they are kept away from the fire ring at the Jam after dark, most would believe we are a decent bunch.
actually i wasent agreeing with you at all. I actually did lmfao at the comment about tom brokaw. 😛

But i would still pay to see you do that at a meeting ;-)
Your statements implied that you agree.

It doesn't matter what someone's motives are. It's exactly my point. Some just don't admit that their reasons aren't that much beyond helping their own experience. Others are in it because they are just caring about the watersheds.
Jay, I highly recommend joining Valley Cr TU. They are a great bunch of people. Friendly, fun, very into fishing, streams, conservation, wild trout etc.

You'll have a good time, meet some great people, and learn a lot about streams, trout, habitat etc. And fishing, as some of them are very accomplished flyfishers.
I tried, and had a brief email correspondence with them a few months ago. They were to send me materials, and never did. I was unable to attend the meetings because of my work/class schedule. When are the meetings now? I might be able to make it. If not, I definitely will once I finish my last class in a few weeks.

Hopefully they'd have me, despite the fact that I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm working for my own benefit. :roll:

Here's a link to the chapter's website.

There's calendar to click on the upper left.

Looks like a flytying night Thursday, Feb. 12.

I'm sure they'll be glad to have you there. Like any TU chapter, there's all sorts of people. You'll fit right in.
well i dont agree with the blanket statement that most people are in it to better the fishing experience. This may be so but who am i, or we for that matter to say what the motives of people are that we have never met ;-)

So no, i dont just saying who cares what the motive is ;-)
When did I say "most"? I said "many". If I did say most, it was a mistake. Yay we agree! I know it kills you, but we do.

Your attempt at tabascoing the situation aren't going to work. My claim here is undeniable, and comes without the negative connotation that some insist upon applying to it.

Thanks. I can't attend until after this term is over at school. Thursday nights are the only night with classes for me. I'll definitely be looking into it afterward.
ive agreed with you many times...this just isnt one of them...and no im not trying to "tabasco" the situation. You do that quite fine all on your own ;-)
How so? Again, my point is that many people do this work to enhance their own enjoyment. Of that group, many of them won't admit it.

Agree, disagree, or reading comprehension fail? Your call. I'm done with it. I think I know which one it is, but it's not for me to judge.
ill say it again then

Just in case, I drew a pretty picture to illustrate it.

The yellow oval represents the population that does improvement work.

The blue oval is the number of them that do this work to enhance their own enjoyment of the outdoors.

The green oval is the population of the afore-mentioned "blue" group that attempts to either deny this, or will not admit it to others.

Now, please tell me WHAT is so offensive about this claim? Also, please tell me how you can disagree that it's at least an abstract model for real life circumstances here. If you still do, that is. In that case, I'd like some of what you're on.

LMFAO all you want. You're just trolling at this point.


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i never trolled just gave my opinion u didnt like it...and what the heck numbers are u using besides your preconcieved notions to get that picture ;-)

Just stare at the yellow, blue and green illustration and breathe deeply, and keep doing that, until you understand what conservationist flyfishers need to ADMIT to non-conservationist flyfishers.

It takes a while to receive the wisdom, so be patient. :-0
They are under no pressure to admit anything. It was just a statement that was attacked without base.

I am one of them, I certainly don't feel that I'm "admit"ting that I care for streams so that I can fish them. It's just how it is, and I don't hide it.

Sal, it's an abstraction to illustrate the concept. Any numbers apply. I'd imagine the only way to get them would be via a comprehensive survey that we don't have the ability to take. It'd be fun though. I'd bet you a grand that these people exist. (I know a few of them personally, so I'd do more than that if you want. :-D) The fact that they are out there is my only point. Somehow, I think that's evaded you. Disagree with it? The bet's still on the table, but all I have to do is provide testimony from one of them to win it.

This is honestly the most frivolous argument I've ever had (except for a few I've had with exes). I absolutely love it. God bless the internet.
oh i agree they exist....just dont know if its many or most.

this is a pointless arguement i just hope im not becoming attractive to you like your exes 😛