Some participate in conservation efforts to help to their fishing, they have a for love fishing and nature.
Some participate in conservation efforts in part to help their fishing, they have a love for fishing and nature.
Some participate in conservation efforts and don’t fish at all, but still love nature.
So what?!?……what’s the big deal?
I believe that enlisting all those who care about conservation, even those that do not fish, allows us to do more. The broader the base of people participating, the louder the voice for change, and the more people there will be to fund and participate in conservation projects. Also, when we rub elbows with non-fishers, they may learn that we are not the bloodthirsty killers the PETA crowd makes us out to be. From what I’m told, as long they are kept away from the fire ring at the Jam after dark, most would believe we are a decent bunch.