


Sep 9, 2006
OK on our front page in angling news there is an article concerning the SRC. The following are cut from the piece and pasted for your review.

In the 1970s, I noticed two major changes in the landscape along my favorite trout streams in Pennsylvania - developments and subdivisions, and "No Trespassing" signs.

I decided to approach the acquisition of blue ribbon trout streams as a full-time business.

My idea was to conserve an ever-expanding portfolio of gold-medal trout streams across Pennsylvania.

We constantly compete against developers who can build 300 retirement condos along a mile-long stretch of trout stream and charge a premium because of the location.

We are teaching our kids and grandkids to be wise stewards of our natural resources and to stand in the gap against the onslaught of development.

So in his first sentence he says that one of the largest problems today is no posted signs..... Then he figgured out how to turn his problem into a full time buisness!!!

Oh, and by the way I must have missed the 300 retirment condos going up in Coburn!!! Yes development is out of control but the areas he is procuring are hardly in danger of being bulldozed for the next resort.

What he is teaching "our kids and grandkids" is not conservation. At best it is bioengineering, and at worst it is eliteism.

Of all the hungry bears in the woods....you'd think we'd catch a break. :-o
Ryan, it makes the blood boil to read such crap, like what they posted on their web site after they lost the Little J case. It's pretty apparent what the PR and company line from SRC will be in the future. There are a lot of comments that I would like to make, and you made some excellent comments yourself. But I realized it's just preaching to the choir here. Are you talking abiut the Angling News section of your newspaper, or a magazine? Do they take letters to the editor? If so, I think a response that includes the points you made above would be excellent.
I was talking about the home page of this site. On the left hand column there are links to angling news.
So much for a letter to the editor! I only regret that after reading your post I started to read the article and got sick in the stomach.
The members probably also have their companys pay the dues to the club, that way it is a deductable expense, and we have to make up the idfference, time for tar and feathers
that makes me want to puke :evil: