Unmarked blank



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
This is a shot in the dark. The guy who gave me the fiberglass rods also gave me a 9' 5 weight 3 piece rod that he built from a blank.

The blank is, well, blank. No brand, no marks, no nothing. Its maroon in color. Any ideas? I know this is really vague.
Oh yeah...its graphite, not glass. Unfortunately the guy who made it doesn't remember AT ALL.


Best you could do is put it through common cents and get a feel for what it'll load with. Handle, guides, finish will change the ultimate feel of the rod, though, but you can re-CCS it.
I loaded it w/ 5 weight and 6 weight and it casts amazingly. I just wish I knew what the maker was.

-shrug- make one up. perhaps cilantro? i understand that a spice rack could be a good inspiration to pick rod maker's name?
Yeah "Herbalite".

I guess in hindsight it doesn't matter. I love the rod. I was just curious. I didn't know if there were markings that would serve as a tell.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
The blank is, well, blank. No brand, no marks, no nothing.

There are no markings.
That's merely logistics...

I wouldn't know what kind of marks to even look for. I'll bring it to a jam sometime and see if anyone can ID it.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I wouldn't know what kind of marks to even look for.

Let me help you...

The_Sasquatch wrote:
The blank is, well, blank. No brand, no marks, no nothing.

OK, so there you have it, nothing to look for. ;-)

You'll get a bunch of guys waving it around and saying nonsense like, "well, this looks like a Cilantro MX5 blank, but I didn't know they sold blanks!" and "no way, its clearly a Sparrowbeak 300C!" while the third jackhole tells you its probably a super rare custom made Blues Daemon and you should totally sell it on ebay to fund your children's college.

Face it, its a Herbalite. Enjoy it.