U del



Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
Anyone heading there this weekend? I hope to get out there. I don't have a boat, so like to fish lower eb and lower bk this time of year (only if bk temps are higher than tailwater temps, otherwise I fish upper eb and wb). Does anyone else follow that rule (or did I just spot burn dozens of miles of river LOL).
I may be going this weekend but if flows are ok Im heading to the mainstem
I'll be up from Wednesday to Sunday most likely.
Cato huh... If I go I'll be heading down from B'ville.
All another 3-5 possibly intruders. Lower BK and lower EB? There's a waste of time. I'm heading right to Stilesville or Narrowsburg. LOL
moon1284 wrote:
Cato huh... If I go I'll be heading down from B'ville.

yeah im about 8 miles west of bville right off of route 370 before you get to cato.
Well, that sucked. No blue quills, very few olive and a handful of Hendricksons. Shad caddis egg laying flight out of nowhere. Hatch timing on the section we floated was kinda messed up.
How many trailers at buckingham?

Early season bugs are over for the most part. Cold weather allowed them to hang on a bit longer.
I didn't get a trailer count but as I headed out on 191, I passed 15-20 boats headed back to town. That was around 8pm. We had a cluster F traffic jam on our section and I'm sure the main was way worse. Makes me want to start bass fishing already.

Early bugs gone already? Hell, the Hendrickson hatch barely got started just as the cold snap hit. I'd have to guess that they are still yet to come. If youre right that the hatching is that far ahead, what's next..... March Brown hatch on Tuesday and drakes by April 25th??

I'm chalking the day up to bright sun and the unusual temps of a week ago. I am baffled where all the shad caddis egg layers came from all the sudden. The fish pretty much ignored them. 90% of hook ups came sub surface.
Guy I floated with sent back out Sunday. He went 20+ miles south and found the Hendricksons. They had a good day. The bugs simply got knocked back on schedule by the cold snap. Betting they overlap with Starr of March browns.
I fished the upper main and saturday and sunday were both completely different days. What a strange 2 days. saturday I saw loads of small caddis and the fish were eating them subsurface and tough to catch then about 330 pm the hendricksons came and the fish ignored them and chased caddis. Around 430-5:00 everything stopped and most people left. I stayed and a second round of hendrickson's came and i enjoyed some nice action for about an hour.

On sunday around 2 pm small and bigger tan caddis blanketed the water and the fish were eating them on top which was a nice change from saturday. The henny's never really came just a few here and there. On sunday caught all my fish except one on a size 16 tan cdc/elk caddis. the action was good but not like the reports are saying. The spring hatches are not over as someone mentioned above.
Fished above and below Deposit treatment plant on the west branch on Saturday from 4pm - 7pm. Saw a few sporadic risers, but no concentration great enough that made me switch to anything on top. Hooked two on nymphs in the fast water, but didn't land them.

Seemed like the other fly guys were not having too much luck. Bait fishermen were not getting much either. Didn't get a chance to go further south to check if things bugs got better, seems they did not.
I was up from Wednesday until Sunday. On my way up to my buddies place I hit a spot on the upper east. Landed a 19" brown on a PT soft hackle fished dry to a bank sipper eating hendos also picked up a smaller bow in the same area. Thurday AM I fished the willow around the power lines and swung up a big 20" brown on a olive/black sculpin and another 16-18' brown on the same pattern. I headed over to Stockport around 230 to wait for the hendricksons and they started around 330. I stung three fish and casted to a crap ton of rising fish upstream of the launch. The flows we a little high and I was by myself so I didn't wade in too deep. A lot of action was on the far bank from the launch. Hit the EB again after Stockport and picked up two more fish one nymphing the other on a dry. Fished the BK on Friday morning and stung two more fish. Think I landed about 6-8 fish over the period of being there(not the best caster here), so not too shabby as far as the upper D goes. My friend with me landed 13 fish on the BK the one morning on peanut envys. If you check the Catskill flies IG page you can see some of the pics.
Sounds like you guys had more action in an hour than we did in 10+ miles.
I was at bki and lower eb mostly. Bkill had more bugs, tons of caddis being ignored and good numbers of hendricksons on sat. Fished lower eb Sunday, lots of caddis a couple hendricksons. Stopped at upper wb on the way home, a few caddis. I'd say the hatches are right on schedule.

The wb looked very crowded and I drove past lots of boats.
Floated EB......f'n circus with boats and new boaters. Finally see a rise and anchor......before making a cast, boats pass on each side!! Also, new boaters guys from yinzerville rowed through holding water while casting to vacant water. They also must not grasp the property issues there...... "hey, you're trespassing by dropping anchor in that section" .....bombs away with the anchor.

We had fairly low, very clear water with intense sunshine. Add little insect activity and 6 boats ahead of you zig zagging and you've got little meat left on the bone for you. In one pool, I watched this 2 man toon go left, right, left, right, anchor, left to bank, back to center, right bank and the exited the pool. The rowing technique looked like 2 wounded geese were attached to the oar shafts.

I rowed 99% of the trip since guy I was with has an injured back. I got 30 minutes to fish and hooked up quickly. Cloud cover and rain will be needed for the next trip.
krayfish2 wrote:
Floated EB......f'n circus with boats and new boaters. Finally see a rise and anchor......before making a cast, boats pass on each side!! Also, new boaters guys from yinzerville rowed through holding water while casting to vacant water. They also must not grasp the property issues there...... "hey, you're trespassing by dropping anchor in that section" .....bombs away with the anchor.

We had fairly low, very clear water with intense sunshine. Add little insect activity and 6 boats ahead of you zig zagging and you've got little meat left on the bone for you. In one pool, I watched this 2 man toon go left, right, left, right, anchor, left to bank, back to center, right bank and the exited the pool. The rowing technique looked like 2 wounded geese were attached to the oar shafts.

I rowed 99% of the trip since guy I was with has an injured back. I got 30 minutes to fish and hooked up quickly. Cloud cover and rain will be needed for the next trip.

The secret is out...... the D holds troot......

I'll wait til most guys give up......
Lol. Yeah, didn't see any of them catching fish.
I felt very fortunate for the opportunites I got on the main. the fishing was tough but i was able to get some nice fish to play nice in spurts. the high sun no cloud cover was not ideal at all. Hope to hit it again next weekend.
You guys fish too much. Lol That 20+ hour suicide run took all of Sunday to recover from. Getting too old for that stuff.