Tying P.A's Infamous Pink Worm.

That bobbin needs to be far superior. When your tying a piece of chenille to a hook with some glow bug yarn you better have the best damb equipment you can buy. Lol
The M.P. Bobbin is great, I would never use anything else.
Holy smokes. I guess if you are really into tying . . .

What do it do? Teh magics?
jdaddy wrote:
What do it do? Teh magics?

Your buddies at the Trout Predator Online (not associated with Aaaron Jassper!) done did you a video!

I'm unimpressed. Then I'm not a Pro User!
harbor freight will make a $10 knock off and profit. i am commissioning them now.

But really. "decent" bobbin is $10. I could get 7 or so and not have to play with changing thread.

^ this is an opinion and not meant to offend Utah. he clearly finds value in it.
jdaddy wrote:
But really. "decent" bobbin is $10. I could get 7 or so and not have to play with changing thread.

Its for the sort of clowns who solder needles on their German craft scissors and insist the 1/2 second it cuts off tying a fly makes all the diff.

I found it amusing that Mark Pettyjeans Magical Bobbin was invented by a guy who's not obsessed with having his scissors palmed during the entire fly construction, another Pro Tip that I'll have no truck with (although that might actually shed 2 or 3 seconds off per fly).
In the good old days we tied our flies ,on the stream,with one hand and smoked our pipes with the other.
Ya, I'm down for a solid half hour on a pheasant tail. Seconds mean nothing when you are wasting time anyway.
gfen wrote:

I found it amusing that Mark Pettyjeans Magical Bobbin was invented by a guy who's not obsessed with having his scissors palmed during the entire fly construction, another Pro Tip that I'll have no truck with (although that might actually shed 2 or 3 seconds off per fly).

That trick works nice!
pete41 wrote:
In the good old days we tied our flies ,on the stream,with one hand and smoked our pipes with the other.

I didn't have a vise, so I had to clench the pipe in my teeth while holding the hook in one hand...
There's a thread. Clock yourself from start to finish tying a fly. I can't be bothered to do things like prep materials ahead of time, or even have them out and not have to look for them.

I feel accomplished if I can bang 'em out in 5 minutes or so per fly, but usually I think the average is closer to 10-15. I just can't be bothered to race through them.

You'll find yourself far more likely to retrieve them from stupid spots if you take your sweet time making them.

Also, pete, mother of god do I miss smoking a pipe on the stream side. this sport sucks without tobacco use.
I smoke my cigar-half hour paddling up river,get out,set up my little stool and enjoy that twenty minutes more than any thing else.
I can bang out dubbing on a hook (with or without bead) in 30 seconds. This includes 2.7 seconds to pick up whip finish tool and 2.6 seconds to pick up scissors.
pete41 wrote:
I smoke my cigar-half hour paddling up river,get out,set up my little stool and enjoy that twenty minutes more than any thing else.

Best cigar I had this year was sitting on the banks of Falling Springs under a tree on a warm morning. That's a cool starry bra way to start the day.
The image of you smoking a pipe with your funny green hat really for realsz makes me Lol.

Who has a funny green hat? Oh, that hat. Dude, you never saw that before? Hell, that was standard issue for the last 16 years of my life.

Dubbing on a hook runs me about a minute or so, lead doubles my time. Wire triples it.
In high school shop class I made a tool this is half bobbin, half cutters, half whip finish, half roach clip. I should have made a CAD drawing and sent it to Dr. Slick.