Tying into the night/drinking

We should have a booze bug tying jam.
I like where this is going... :pint:

J55tyger88 wrote:
We should have a booze bug tying jam.[/quote]

I'm in.

I would fish those flies any day. Beer though is either made in the U.S. or Canada for me.
Thank you somersetian my beers are for the most part are all over the board, willing to try a new beer anytime! So this booze bug tying jam would have to be somewhere no one would have to drive, and besides the later it gets the better it gets. :-D

lv2nymph wrote:
Thank you somersetian my beers are for the most part are all over the board, willing to try a new beer anytime! So this booze bug tying jam would have to be somewhere no one would have to drive, and besides the later it gets the better it gets. :-D [/quote]

My house? In the office. Sleeping bags and we are good to go.
booze bugs, just too funny.

This could work, perhaps one of the criteria should be you must have a hangover for the mornings fishing... :roll:
Yo Jack, I used to have Beer Tasting Parties/Contests. Participants would bring a 6 pack and we would do blind tastings as well as having coolers full of beers. Peroni was a staple almost every year.

The next time you go to an Italian restaurant you will probably find that they serve that brew.

Don't know PA anymore but most good beer/wine stores in MD carry it too. Not cheap.

Hope this helps.
Here's a tying table "winter accessory" that I sometimes use on those very cold nights. Brandy is in the glass.


  • Winter tying table accessory_v11.JPG
    Winter tying table accessory_v11.JPG
    71.4 KB · Views: 3
Gene, thanks for the Intel on the brew. Hey that high class there, great idea.
You've heard of don't drink and drive? I've extended that to tying, because I'm not that good at it anyway.
Jack, perhaps you're like a musician. Better with a buzz. :p
What needs to happen is a beer exchange with an evening of tying right afterwards. Now that's something I'd attend.
Occasionally, I tie while I am drinking. For the first three beers everything works out great. From beers three to six, I start getting a little sidetracked. I start paying more attention the music I am listening to and also I start thinking about other things. From beers six to nine, my flies start looking like crap and I eventually concede to the fact that I should stop tying and concentrate totally on drinking.
I am with you. Tying definitely interrupts the flow of drinking.
I like ry's idea, that could work. For the most part I'm with the above, if alone and not bsing with someone once a descent Frame of mind is obtained I'm usually done.
Sometimes we are much more relaxed when we tie and do a much better job.....

This may seam a bit silly - but there already is a Jam being scheduled for May timeframe that consists of what you gents are talking about. Drinking, tying, drinking, fishing and sharing experiences with each other.
Well There ya go, intelligent minds think alike... :-D